Sunday, September 5, 2010

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 5 "Love yourself. Dare to dream. Live on purpose!" - Dana / Highland, IN

I'm having writers block right now. Sorta.

What does love yourself. Dare to dream. Live on purpose! Mean to me?

Well, today I dropped off some of my dear friends at the airport and ate at Pizza hut for the very first time in my life. It was pretty good. I can officially say that I'm a fan of Pizza hut, especially their Super Supreme pizza. Yum. And it's cheap. So that's a plus.

I was feeling a little...down today earlier on, but I'm okay now. I just wanted to do something today. Something out of the norm. ..So when Brian & and I got home today from the airport, we wanted to hang out a bit, and then he was going to go hang out with Mark and Heather but I was planning on staying home and cleaning. But when we came home, before walking into the house, I took a slight detour and walked to the side of the house on the little hill that we live on and looked over the city below. The leaves are starting to turn color and the air was crisp, just like the way fall should be. The sky looks grey and expectant of winter. Beautiful. And the splotches of green and yellow splashing the mountains made the thought of this just exciting. I turned around to Brian and said, "Let's walk all the way to Mark's house." You see...I've dreamed of walking all summer in Alaska, but have been too busy with work to do so, and Brian was gone all summer, and I don't like walking alone. So, we decided to walk all the way from the University to down town Fairbanks. And we packed up our stuff and started our journey. We took the bike path and just had a good, peaceful time walking to down town. The autumn air was refreshing, and the sky was still. It was a dream come true. Of course, half way down to down town, we agreed that we probably will not do this again (just cause it's tiring). But it was definitely worth it. We left the house around 8:30pm and arrived to Mark's house at 10pm. Tell you what, it was sooo good to finally sit down. Mark laughed at us because he heard our sighs of relief when we hit his couch. lol. :) we're all sprawled out on the floor and the couch and are having a movie night. We couldn't agree on a movie at first, cause we are such a diverse and creative group and have different tastes in movies, but we finally agreed to watch the classic, "Nicklas Nickelby," and I'm enjoying just being here, even though my facial expression may not necessarily show it, I am happy. Being with people that I love, and walking through Alaska's autumn roads, that I would say is a dream come true. Oh! And I had some super delicious ice cream that Heather brought over, non-dairy, gluten free, chocolate chip, cookie-dough ice cream with coconut milk (sooo good!) 'purely decadent.' Brought to you by the health food section of Fred Myer's. Yummmm.

So, with all of this to say,

Have I loved myself today? Yes. I let myself go, I did something I've been wanting to do regardless of whether I accomplished whatever I set out to do today, I was able to just let go, have fun, and enjoy life. I may not have cleaned the entire house and may not have finished all of the stuff I've set out to do today, but I will reward myself because you know what? I am alive. And I am living in the moment. Because this moment is all I have, the past is gone, and the future has not yet come. I am in the present, and I will live life regardless of the to do's, have done's, and should be done's. I can be at home cleaning right now, but you know what? I can clean forever, cleaning is never stopping, cleaning and house work is like putting pearls on a string with no end. And it's just plain okay to just let it go sometimes, and enjoy life with your loved ones.

Dare to Dream. Have I dreamed? Yes. I dreamed about going on a walk all summer long, and today I did just that. It was a spur of the moment and I could have put this dream off too, but I didn't let it pass me by. It's not a huge dream. But it's a dream, and it's my dream. And it's a dream come true. Only a few weeks left before the snow falls, perfect time for a walk.

Live on purpose. Have I lived on purpose? Do I? Yes. I believe so. I live for the dreams to come, for my loved ones, for God, and for this moment now. And I plan on living with intent all of the days of my life.

With Love,

Fellow Chocolatier  :)

"Love yourself. Dare to dream. Live on purpose!" - Dana / Highland, IN

P.S. Whoo-hooo! We walked like 6 miles today! (Now we just need to bum a ride home!)   ;)

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