Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 15 "Always follow your heart - it's never wrong." Amanda / Deltona, FL

Today was a pretty good day! :)

I woke up, did some last minute homework for my Russian Literature Class, which I really ended up enjoying, reading Dostoevsky's "A Gentle Creature." It was pretty interesting, I think I liked reading his story because his writing is very much scattered like mine. So it was super neat to read somebody else's writing style that is similar to mine. Pretty cool.

I also trained Tayler, a new girl at work, that was pretty fun and chill as well!

I stayed up late last night, couldn't sleep...again. I think tonight what I will end up doing is I will take some Tylenol PM! I need to buy some melatonin...or get super exhausted, and just GO TO BED! Ahhhh!!!
I drive myself crazy sometimes. So anyway, I stayed up till 5:30am last night and was reading my homework assignment. Then I slept in 'till noon. Woke up and started reading my assignment again. I wasn't quite finished with it, but at least I came to class on time. Believe me, that is a HUGE deal for me, coming to class on time. I tend to be late ...TO EVERYTHING.  I know...I know. I don't like it, and I'm really trying to change that about me. I guess I'm just not so great at time management. I always tend to overestimate the time that I actually have. I tend to 'strech it out.' yeah. But I really am trying. No joke. I have come to terms with the fact that I am a slow mover and it takes me an hour and a half to get ready for the day. It truly does. So, that has got to change a bit. I used to be much quicker about things, and I was one of the only few that was always on time or even early for that matter, but I have no clue what happened. Somehow my time keeping has digressed over the years. So, now it's time to re-learn lessons and by chop chop fast. :) Heather came over for web stuff, she, Mark, and Brian are partnering together with business stuff. It's pretty neat, and I made Strawberry / Banana smoothies! Yeah! They tasted good! They were 'au naturale.'  :) Ingredients; 1 cup of Nancy's Plain Yogurt, 4 bananas, 15 strawberries, half a cup of vanilla soy milk, and 3 table spoons of agave nectar. Results = YUM! :) Heather and Brian both liked it very much. Yeah! Score! :)

While they were doing their web stuff, I was editing pics I took this weekend with Brittany for the photo session! They turned out b-e-a-utiful! :) So happy that I edited them. I love the editing process, messing with the contrast, saturation and stuff such as that. But was a good day. I felt accomplished. (Even though accomplishment shouldn't be the only thing that makes a day good or bad in my opinion). Infact, it shouldn't be at isn't based upon accomplishments...if it was, then all the millionaires and pro atheletes would be the happiest people on the planet, nope, life is based upon being alive and living, and loving those around you...anyway...nough of the preaching. :) Bottom line is that I had a pretty darn good day. And class was fun! I didn't expect it to be, but I am most certainly looking forward to class this Thursday! Yay! Oh, and one more specific thing, while all three of us were just sitting there, Brian and Heather on their computers and me editing photos, we felt the ground shake violently for around 5-6 seconds. Guess what? It was an EARTHQUAKE! It's the first time I've ever felt one! Brian and Heather thought that it must have been something else, but sure enough it was an earth quake! The earth / science place said so! So cool! It was a 3.27 magnitude earthquake. I think I felt earth quakes before around 2 years ago when I was sleeping, I would wake up to them, but I wasn't quite sure. But yeah...I finally felt my first consious earth quake! That was exciting! Mind you, I'm glad it was a 3.27 and not any higher. :) I'm sure I really wouldn't like it if it was any bigger, not at all actually...I think it would be know what earth quakes do...But yeah, was just exhilarating to finally feel my first conscious earthquake! Cool stuff.

So, back to today's quote, "always follow your heart." I agree with the quote by 50 % but the other 50 % of me disagrees with it. You see, I believe that you also have to be careful and examine yourself because your heart might be in a dangerous place, so to follow your heart when your heart is wicked or decieved is deception in itself, especially if your heart is tied up in believing all sort of lies. No bueno. An extreme example; a person may feel led to committ suicide, (obviously they are in oblivion, they are oblivious to the fact that their life is so worth it, and that they are listening to the lies of others, decietful lies, and by believing with your whole heart in those lies, you can be decieved that those lies are the truth, and your heart can follow them...and then it leads to unspeakable and sadening tradgedy). So that is an extreme example. And another I guess would be is if a husband has been arguing frequently with his wife, but then ends up meeting this long legged beautiful gorgeous woman at work and decides to have a seemingly innocent coffee date with her, and as they sit there, they are become quite comfortable and quite acquainted with each other. And so one coffee break leads to another coffee break, which leads to a longer coffee break later, which then later leads to a lunch break (date) and then it slowly but surely starts to spiral down from there...and much sooner than later will you find this man lying in bed with a woman other than his beloved whom he has committed his life to on the day he said, "I do." So you get my drift right? See where I'm coming from on this? ...It's a tricky thing that thing can be called "following your heart." I think leading with your head, and following your gut feeling on a thing is more proper to say then "following your heart." But I think that this saying implies just that, leading with your head and following your gut instinct. I think also that this saying is said and is percieved of a person to be following out of the right, just, and correct intent of the heart. See, the key is intent. Whatever the intent of the heart is, whether it is malicious, kind, spiteful, or thoughtful, is what the person will end up acting upon.

So I guess dear friends, what I'm trying to say is that I beg of you to check your heart's motives, and know your intents, because intention is what we often call "the heart of hearts." It's all about the intent of the heart and the moment. And it's never really a spur. Deep within you lies an intent, and whatever intent it may be, is what will come out of you in tough or exhilirating purposes and experiences. Your intent will shine like the noon-day sun, and it will be warn on your sleeve (because it is your heart). Because when in that moment you decide to follow your heart, what you really are deciding is what intent you will pursue. And replace the word heart with motive, and you will be wearing your motive (heart) on your sleeve. So be careful, check your soul, check your heart, check what really lies deep within you. And know yourselves.

Well that's that.

I'm off to see the be-Ed, that wonderful be-Ed of ours. :)  (Tried to sing that to the Wizard of Oz song). Oh boy...I need sleep. :)

So I just want to leave you with this one thought;

 Above all else, guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life. - Proverbs 4:23 (Bible)

So friends, "always follow your heart- it's never wrong."  (Let's hope that it's not)    :)

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