Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 7 "Show kindness to someone today." - Leah / Oldsmar, FL

Oh boy Oh boy Oh boy Oh boy...

I am staying up wayyyyy past my bed time. My body clock is slowly adjusting. It's 2:47 in the A.M. right now and I am still up. I just finished filing out my FAFSA, which was a pain in the butt by the way... (it took forever to figure out my PIN number...cause apparently I signed up before,, years and years ago...and ...well anyway...it was a pain!) And right when I thought, "yeah! I'm ready for bed! Whoo-hoo!" Bam...I remembered..I didn't blog yet. And I know I can't skip a day...even though at the moment it is very tempting. But nope, I won't procrastinate. Nope. Not me. No way. Nuh-uh, not now. No.

So, we're about kindness today yeah?

Well, today was an especially FUN day!!! Yeah!

It was Mark's 57th birthday!!! Go Mark! I wrote on his birthday card that I hope he gets to eat 57 more cakes like this! ;)

Mark spent a really chill day just walking up and down the river taking photographs, but little did he know that Heather, Brian, and I were scheming since yesterday for a surprise birthday party for him! Chyeah! :D

So...around 3pm the 3 of us schemers got together and we started brewing up some trouble! :)

Brian and I met Heather at her studio to make some last minutes plans. We were touching up and printing a design for an inside joke between the four of us onto a shirt. Can't tell you what it is (it's their idea and it's not patented yet) :) But anyway...we printed the designs and headed over to Panda Garden and ordered a whole lotta Chinese food! Yum! Then we headed back to the apartment. We had to drive all the way around the other side of town to get to Mark's apartment cause we didn't want him to have the chance of seeing us. (Cause the quick road to the apartment is to drive right next to the river...where Mark was taking photographs!) So we went around. Brian and I also left our car at Heather's Studio and packed into Heather's car so Mark wouldn't get suspicious of seeing our car and thinking that we were up to something. :)

So...Heather has a spare key to Mark's apartment, so all 3 of us snuck into his apartment and started messing it up. Just kidding. We got inside and started dec-ing the place out with streamers and balloon and stuff. It was fun! The food was delivered, so Heather ran down stairs to pick it up. Yum! (It was SOOO GOOD!) And since it was Mark's 57th birthday, we decided to pull the old trick of putting the candles on backwards on the cake, so instead of "57" it said "75." Hehehehe :) When we were putting last minute details up with the streamers and ironing on the logo on the shirt, Mark was at the door, he heard Heather's voice...and he thought...hey...she might be talking on the phone...but little did he know that when he quietly opened the door that Brian and I would be inside and that there would be a whole night of fun awaiting him. :)

So because he came in earlier than we had expected, we made him stay in his room for about 5 more minutes as we were putting up the rest of the finishing touches. Then we called him in and he was truly surprised! There were balloons hanging from the ceiling, streamers, and yummy food waiting to be dug into. So we all sat down and ate.

Then soon after, two more guests joined us for a little while, and they sure brought some laughs along with them! Oh boy! :)

When Becka and her friend came up (don't remember friend's name)...they stayed just for a little bit but they wished Mark a cheerful happy birthday. And Mark got a big smacker from Becka! Right on the lips! He didn't see that one coming! And it was HILARIOUS!!! :) He was sooo RED! It was funny! (You would've had to have been there to truly appreciate it).

So then we brought out the cake, sang happy birthday and enjoyed a little bit of triple-chocolate sweetness. And of course..we flipped the 75 back to 57 after awhile. :)

But I think the BEST part of the evening was when Brian and Heather pulled out the water grenade balloons that they had bought the night before. I'm pretty sure this was against the rules, but we filled those suckers up and started dropping them from Mark's 7th story apartment onto the pavement below. I was like "oh no no no, I can't, I can't throw one." All 3 of them just grinned and (especially Heather) and just egged me on. Heather said, "since you're afraid of throwing it, then you really have to, cause we gotta break your fear. Freedom!" And then it all began! And so we started chucking them out the window. It was a BLAST!!!!! :) We always had to look out the window and make sure no passer bys were coming. ;)

And somebody's bike got a free wash. lol. Oops!

Haha...Mark threw a fast pitch and hit his window. KA-BAM! It was HI-LARIOUS! And Brian was holding one and it exploded on his pants, which looked like he had an accident. And I couldn't throw them past my first shot, I kept hitting the same stinking place! It was fun nonetheless. IT WAS SOO MUCH FUN! And it got addicting quick! I'm pretty sure we all felt like little kids again. Oh, and then off course Brian had to take down a regular balloon and fill the sucker up with water and drop it. Heather actually dropped it, and that was the one that gave the bike a free wash. So...we ended up with a washed floor and a washed window while we were at it. :)

And then I couldn't resist throwing a regular balloon full of air out the window, which later we saw that night as we were driving home through down town.

What a fun and memorable night!

It was a blast!

And I would say that it was a love fest of kindness today.
Four friends. 1 surprised birthday boy. 3 schemers. Water balloon grenades. And a true celebration of the one we love.

Kindness just exploded from our hearts today like those water balloon grenades as they hit the pavement!

We love you Mark!

So that concludes our day, and certainly my day...I need to go to bed, gotta wake up in 6 stinkin' hours! May they be full of rest!

Yours truly,

-Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., Mark loved his shirt! :)

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