Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 28 "Smile! Today is going to be an amazing day." Lisa / Morristown, NJ

Hey! :)

So...today started off as being one of the most depressing days that I've had so far. It was...not fun. Tons of argueing, misunderstandings, and miscommunications. I hate that. And I know that hate is a strong word, I guess I just really don't like relationship ruiners. Ya know what I mean? Well...I was completely depleted. I felt devastated, exhausted from emotion, and just ultimately hopeless, but then...it all turned around.

I came to work, and I found Mark washing dishes, he asked me how I was and I was honest with him, "I'm alright," I said. "What?" He yelled back because he couldn't hear me over the water, so then I decided to be true to myself and I said, "actually I'm depressed and sad." So after repeating that line a few more times, he heard me. And he gave me a big hug that I needed very much. Thanks Mark! :) And then we just talked about depression, life, stuff, and water parks. Yes, water parks, how we got to that subject I don't know and wouldn't begin to tell you where. lol. But it was fun. And then..I went back to the front desk.

Today, I was planning on accomplishing a lot, that is, before I was depressed. So, I just decided to take the day slow and easy. Just chill, you know? I just wanted to be in a peaceful atmosphere. And I just had a great day ahead of me. Everything changed around, strained relationships became normal, forgiveness happened, and lots of love was to be had. And during work, somebody that I'm friends with on facebook, somebody I look up to, have never spoken with, but I look up to them as a role model, left a message on my page saying, "Hey, prayed for you today. Felt the deep love of God for you as I prayed. Doesn't happen often. Hope this is an encouragement. Blessings." And that just made my day. Was the fact that somebody was praying for me, and that they noticed me in my whateverness of the day. God works in funny ways sometime, you know? :) This person is very respected by many and is a great community leader. So...it was just super cool. But most importantly I felt God's love. I really did. And that was cool.

So, also, I stayed up until 3am yesterday watching a super cool documentary called, "The Human Face." If you've never watched it before, then I definitely recommend taking the time to watch it, it's worth it. But anyway, "The Human Face," talks about the importance of interaction, emotion, and expression. We really don't realize how much we communication with our expressions. Our face and body speak louder than our words. The documentary was very interesting. Lots of interesting facts. Really cool. One thing that was emphasized in the documentary was smiling. Did you know that it takes more muscles to frown than to smile? It's more complex to frown (I'm sure you know this by now)..But here's something I bet you didn't know, that if you're depressed, or sad, if you force your self to smile and you hold a smile for 30 seconds, your body will naturally release happy hormones called, "endorphins," cause you see, the funny part is that your body doesn't recognize emotion when you are smiling for real or fake, just because you are smiling and your muscles are forming a smile, your brain simply reacts to the action of the muscles and automatically releases happy endorphins. And your mood will be elevated and lifted right away. Isn't that amazing? It's amazing! And when we smile, our smiles are contagious, others will smile back at you (that's also an old adage, but it's sooo true!) So...today I practiced smiling! :) And you know what? I did feel better! And then I found myself smiling for real! And did you know that there are such things as the smile/laughter club? It's true! There is! There are also a bunch of them over in India! A bunch of community members gather every morning before beginning their day and they do silly exercises and just smile at each other until they actually are truly bursting out with real smiles and uncontainable laughter. Isn't that cool? It's cool! It sounds cheesy but these people's days are better because of their gathering and sharing in laughter! So cool!

And basically, I just thought it was funny that today's quote said "Smile! Today is going to be an amazing day." You know, I opened the quote a bit late in the day, but nevertheless, it somehow manages to match the message of my day. :)

Well guys,

I better do some homework for my Russian Literature class and then
off to snooze land I go!

So g'night! =D

-Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., did you notice the picture of "Slippers," the chuaua, with the quote of the day? So cool! Eh? :) As I was taking the pictures, I was hoping that she would yawn and look like she's smiling, and she did! :) Fun! :) Perfect picture to a perfect day.

Love you guys!

Go with peace! :) And crack a smile! :) It's worth it. I promise! :)

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