Thursday, September 30, 2010

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 30 "Sometimes good enough really IS good enough." Nancy / Lansing, IL

Hmmm...sometimes good enough really IS good enough... I think that this is true. :) Don't you?

I think that sometimes we as human beings love the idea of perfect, but the truth is that, good enough really IS good enough. I know that I am a perfectionist, and I LOVE it when things go my way or the way that I have planned or imagined them to go, so when things don't go according to how I planned them to, I go bezerk and get stressed super easily.

And this is when I'm reminded that hey, I really am not in control of everything, and that is truly okay. This also reminds me of another quote that a dear friend of mine used to say all the time, "all you can do is the best you can do and that's all you can do." So there it is. It's just fact. Accept yourself, do your best to your ability and you know what, it's okay to sometimes just call it quits in the middle and say that my good enough really IS good enough. Period. :)

And you know, you people out there that are a lot like me, struggling with the perfectionsim's really okay to let go, because you are not in control of everything, and that's just plain okay. The only thing you can control is you, your attitude. And even then we sometimes slip up. But you know what? That's okay! That's life! Stuff happens! And you know what? It's okay! I promise. :)

So...just prop your feet up, eat a chocholate, and realize the promise of tomorrow, it's a mystery, it's another day, it's another chance. And you know what? It's just life. Learn to be you, live with you, and live your life. :) Your good is good enough, so don't stress about it. It's truly okay. I really promise. :)

So let the other stuff go, just let it go, let the idea of perfect go, and just let your hair blow in the wind. And just be you, be your messy you that you are. It if perfectly okay to do so. I give you persmission. :)


That's that.

Love your perfectly unperfect Fellow Chocolatier :)

P.S., Do you think that your good enough Is truly good enough? Unsure? Skeptical? Think it over. :)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your blog. Sept 30th is my birthday and when I read your post, something "clicked" for me. I have recently started a very stressful new job. I worked on the 29th and had a class on the 30th, on my bday. Other people from where I work were also at this class and commented to me how much my preceptor is telling the others how good I am doing. Here I sit and think..."I didnt do this, or did this wrong" and I am striving for perfection. Then I come across your site and scrolled back to read what the "Promise" was for my bday and read that "sometimes good really IS good enough". Thanks. Good luck in your journey.
