Saturday, September 25, 2010

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 26 "NO is not a dirty word." Helen / Austin, TX

I am so glad that today's quote is what it is because I sometimes, actually most times, don't know how to say no. I am very bad at saying no. I give in too easily and don't stand my ground like I should. I want to be bold and not passive. It's okay to say no, it's not a dirty word, it's not a bad word, it's not a curse word. I believe that "NO" is a vocabulary that belongs to a healthy lifestyle. I had a looooong and drawn out work day today, but I've been in good spirits. I felt quite accomplished today, I updated membership information, rearranged it, and took pictures of the kids and labeled the pics. It was a pretty good day, but a tiering one at that.

Anyway, I worked 3 1/2 hours overtime today, and I am just pooped right now. I am literally reay for bed and it's only 8:39pm, my eyes are rolling over as we speak. I am about to flop over. Well, there are two awesome things going on right now, Starvation Gulch, which is about to start any minute and is happening right outside our window (I can see it, it's walking distance), and the bon fire at Joel's Place (the place where I work). So it's funny that both of these events are occuring on the same day and same time, because Starvation Gulch is an annual HUGE bonfire, (biggest bon fire I've ever seen), out on the University where all of the University students gather at the beginning of the semester, and Joel's Place is having a fun, fairly-sized bon fire full of smores and other yummies. See, I just came home from work maybe a little over an hour ago, and Brian and I thought that it would be fun to go back to work, (not for working), but to hang out with the kiddos at the bonfire and eat tons of smores, and then later possibly go to Starvation Gulch...but...when we got in the car and drove off campus on our journey to Joel's Place, I realized that I was completely exhausted, and I really just wanted to sleep above all of what was going on. I told Brian earlier that I wanted to sleep, but he encouraged me to go anyway, so as we were driving off, I knew that all I wanted to do is sleep. I know that bon fires are all fun an all, but honestly, I just want to go to bed, and I know if I'm tierd, then I'm not gonna have any fun at all. I mean, what's the point of being tierd, driving out to the location, and the minute you get there you're counting down the time to when you can arrive back home. There's just no point. So I took the next turn and said, "I'm tierd, I'm gonna go home to bed, you can go to the bon fire." So we agreed. And now I am here. Sure, I mean there was a little disappointment, but that's okay.

Sometimes, you just gotta learn to say no. I know I need to. And you know what? It's okay to say NO. No, is not a diry word.

Well alrighty,

Off to napping land I go.

Have a great night guys!

And remember, stand up for yourselves, be true to yourselves, and let your voice be heard! Don't let others push you around and walk all over you. It's truly okay to say what you mean, and mean what you say.


-Your very sleepy Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., The thought of smores is what made my mouth water in the first place. :) I wouldn't mind a smore about now. But sleep calls my name. :)

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