Saturday, September 25, 2010

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 25 "Go out for adventure, go home for love." Ann / Pittsburgh, PA


 Today was a super stressful day at work! And I'm still de-stressing as week speak, 3 and a half hours later..
Had to re-arange things, update things, screaming kids running around, doors opening and closing, tons of interupting phone calls, irritated people, loud skate boards (work in skate park), misplaced papework, and that pretty much sums it up. was a little too stressful today.

Today's quote was kind of a mystery to me. It seems a bit abstract, "go out for adventure, go home for love." But what I think it means for me is to go out into the world and look for adventure, i.e. move, college, explore, travel, and such, but to go home for love is to go home to family. Home is where the heart is. And usually home is where family is. :) And family does not just mean the people that share your blood, but the people that you would give your blood to. Go out, go live your adventures, but don't forget about the ones who loved you through think and thin, have been there for you, nutured you, and will always continue being there for you. I know that I don't want to stay in Alaska forever, while I'm in college I'm kinda situated, but after I graduate, I would like to move to L.A., pursue acting, go see the world, and eventually, the wrap to my plan is to come home to family and live near the ones that I love. I want to share life with them, and it would be a tradgedy to only live for adventure, and never come home for love. The adventure I think is only an adventure for a time being, but and adventure turned over a lifespan is no adventure at all without the restoration of coming hom for love. There has to be a plot, climax, and an ending. But looking forward to an ending makes the climax more exciting. I wouldn't want to live in the climax all my life. I have a home to return to, and a lot of lovin' to go around. :)

Home is where the heart is, go  out for adventure, and go home for love.

With home in the heart,

-Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S, I hope your day was good! :)

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