Monday, October 4, 2010

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 34 "Living well and being happy is the best revenge." Tina / Newark, DE

Living well and being happy, is the best revenge...I agree!

 This statement is so simple yet is is nevertheless very powerful. A lot of times as human beings, we want to take revenge for certain unjustices or cirumcstances that have affected / hurt us in a negative way. And there are people behind the circumstances. Things happen, and it just pains our hearts. It's not fun, and notbody wants to get hurt, but the reality of it is that this is life. And stuff happens in life. It's life. You can't avoid it, but you can and do have the power to chose how to react to what and whomever is hurting you. You have the power to change you, to change your thoughts and decisions about something. Because our actions are fruits of our thoughts, and our thoughts are fruits of our motives and feelings. You see, feelings are tricky, you can't always follow your feelings, follow your heart, because it may lead you astray if it's in the wrong place. So the old adage, "follow you heart," is not necessarily true. What if it is in your heart to hurt someone? Are you going to follow through with it because its "on your heart?" I don't think so. And if you do follow through you will soon reap the consequences of your actions. So..the key is to have both our hearts and minds working in unison, not apart and not against each other, but in one harmonious accord. So we must choose this day, you must choose this day, how you will live. I chose to live above my current feelings and frustrations, and I know that by living well and being happy, which includes; forgiveness, letting go, moving on, purusing dreams, dreaming, being alive, and loving, I am really living the best revenge. And revenge is in the fact that I am not actually revenging against anyone, but at the negative thoughts and emotions that come at me or that I may have. And I know that people make mistakes and irrational decisions sometimes, but my focus isn't on those things, my focus is on me, living well, and being happy, because that is the best revenge. That is the best focus for me. And when I'm focuses, I am better equipped to help others rather than when I am out of focus. So me pursing that things that I need to pursue, will inturn enrich others. And it's not a selfish thing either, it reminds me more of this quote; "Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” - Howard Thurman

So yeah, living well and being happy is the best revenge. And I hope that my thoughts connected and made sense. :)

Love you guys,


-Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., my stomach is full, I ate subway about and hour and a 1/2 ago, and I'm full...I am one of those, I can't fall asleep on a full stomach type. Yeah, I know...weird. I've only become this way in the past year. I guess I'm getting old. lol. I just can't scarf down food before bed anymore. Nope, can't do it. And it keeps me up all night and I feel bloated. Ever happen to you? Anyway...I am getting off now. lol. Good night!

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