Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 50 "Women are like fine wine - they get better with age." Nadia / Englewood, NJ

Although I am in my early twenties, I believe that this saying is compeletly true.

Do you remember when you were 16 years old and when you heard that somebody was thirty, that they were really old? It's funny now that I'm in my early twenties, 30 really isn't that old at all, infact, it's fairly young. And even 40 doesn't even seem that bad either. Time passes quickly, tell you what.

I mean, look at the great women of our age right now, take for instance; Sandra Bullock, Cameron Diaz, Demi Moore, Madonna, Condolisa Rice, Julian Moore, just to name a few, and off course, we can't forget our dear Merly Streep and even more so, Betty White. I mean, some of these ladies are in their forties, and some above, but they are great nonetheless. They've actually become pretty iconic. But it only just goes to show ya that women really are like fine wine - they get better with age.

I can name one woman in particular that has aged beautifully with age, and that would be my Grandma Nadia. She is the most endearing woman I've ever met. She is so kind, smart, wity, friendly, hospitable, knowledgeable, and patient. She is 76 years old, and just has joy radiating off of her. She has strong faith, and she loves like no other, and she is an amazing cook by the way. But yes, this woman, this woman who is dear to my heart, is a testament that women truly do get better with age. My grandma has seen a lot, she's seen wars, seen the first radios, t.vs, cars, airplanes, and she has raised 7 kids. She and my grandpa had the remarkable gift of celebrating their golden wedding of 50 years, and they've lived together for 55 years. This woman, this dear and beautiful woman has a well of wisdom stored up in her, and she has the sweetest smile, the most twinkling eyes I've ever seen, and the most generous heart. She is a lover, she loves people, and she really loves her children and her grand kids. She is an amazing grandma, and being able to watch her change and grow older in the past couple of years has been a true testament in itself that women really get better with age.

When I was 16, I moved out of my parent's house from California and I moved up to Alaska to live with my grandma. My aunt from Philly also move to take care of her. And so it began, for a whole entire year of living with these amazing women. It was just us girls. Over the course of that year, (I called it my internship), I've learned more about life than I possibly could have imagined and I was taught so many invaluable things. That entire year reminded me of the movie, "Little Women," it was just a very unique time, and I would never trade it for anything. So to me, my grandma is more like a mom. I love her and tell her everything, she is my dearest friend. She is someone I can rely on no matter what.

Well anyway, one thing I will always remember about my grandma is her contagious laugh. When she laughs you can't help but laugh with her. And when she smiles, you just can't help but smiling back at those twinkling eyes coming behind the creases. We live in Alaska, so in the summer time we get 24/7 sunshine, which is great for growing gardens. The vegetables are monstorous in Alaska. Maybe next summer I'll take a picture of one of my grandma's cabages and post it one here..those things are huge! Well anyway, every summer, my grandma tends to her half an acre gardens, and when everything is in bloom, it is beautiful. One of my favorite things to do is to go around picking fresh snap peas of the vine and eating them on the spot. It's delicious! One thing my grandma always has is her sun flowers, those things just brighten up the garden with color and they've just become her staple in her garden. Anyway..every summer grandma tends to her gardens and takes walks down the road and back up. Because she's out in the sun so much, she gets really tan, and so she begins to look like a Native Alaskan. And it's funny because she has her salt and pepper gray hair and then every summer the sun bleaches the front strip of her hair a super oober bright (the x-men girl's hair) and so she ends up looking like a true Native Alaskan. The look suits her very well, and it's all funny to me because people end up asking me if I'm native or not because of my grandma. :) And of course, I'm not, I'm whiter than sour cream. lol.

But anyway, I just love her love for life, her love for people and I have never seen a woman love her family so much as I have seen my grandma love her's. One day, I hope to be just like her, a women who has aged like fine wine.

Well guys,

Off to bed I go. It's late. :)

Have a happy sleep!

-Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., Who are the women that have a special place in your life? I would also like to give a shout out to my sister, my mom, and my Aunt Tammy, Aunt Sveta, Aunt Nadia, Aunt Theo, Aunt Vera, and Grandma Paulette. Those women are amazing as well. :)

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