Monday, October 11, 2010

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 41 "Compromise is a sign of strength not weakness." Christine / Suitland, MD

Today was a loooong day.

Brian was supposed to come home today just a couple of hours ago, but he had a slight detour.
By the time he should've been home, I get a phone call from him and the first thing he said was, "how much do you like the driver's side of the door?" ...and I said, "Wha? Did you get in a car accident?" No, not a car accident.. but pretty close though, he flipped the car on it's driver side into a 10 foot ditch. I'm glad he is okay. That's all that matters. It's a bummer that we have to fix the car now, but it would've been horrific if something happened to Brian. So I am glad he is okay. It snowed today, so the roads froze over and were as slippery as a frog's snot on a frosted door nob (Brian likes to say that), so he slid off the road. He had to climb out of the passenger's side of the door. He said that he never realized how heavy those doors are until they came under the pressure of gravity. Boy, I'm glad he's safe. I miss him. I kinda scolded him, (he was driving in the dark), so tomorrow I made him promise to me that he would drive in the day time, slowly, without music blasting, and with the four wheel drive on.

So yeah. That's what's up.

Today's quote reminds me of giving because when you compromise, you give in a little, and it's team effort. When two people compromise (sacrifice their own wants and desires for the benefit of another), a beautiful thing unwinds in a relationship called service. When two people serve each other, love on each other, and bend over for each other, there is nothing that can get inbetween them. And you know, that's how marriage is supposed to be, a life of serving each other. And that's how friendships are supposed to be as well, you want to look out for the benefit of the other person, you keep them in mind before yourself. So as the quote goes, "compromise is a sign of strength, not a sign of weakness," and in the context of serving others, compromise is a beautiful thing.

Well guys,

Those are my thoughts.

Hope you've had a wonderful and safe day!

Sweet dreams!

-Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., I am so thankful that Brian is okay! I love you! And I believe he has had divine protection, because you have  no idea how many little crosses I see on the side of that road, and some distances are shorter than 10 feet. Thank God another cross was not added tonight, that's all I have to say.

I told Brian to be careful driving tomorrow, because I want to have this;

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