Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 36 "Lose yourself in a great read." Wendy / Seattle, WA

Hey guys! Today has been a pretty splendid day! (But a tiering one at that).

Wow! I'm shocked because I had quite a few views today! I checked the source and it came from Dove Chocolate's Twitter site. They gave me a shout out and posted a link to my blog! Too cool! (That's probably why I have so many views, lol). You know, now I'm sitting here uploading pictures and taking pictures of all of my dove chocolate wrappers that I haven't put a picture of the day up for. Thanks to you guys, I am definitely encouraged not to keep putting that My husband even started helping me take some photos. (I'm only behind about a week, but nevertheless I am still behind). So yeah, I'm definitely encouraged. Gotsta get my act together ya know? lol.

So, today's quote has definitely reigned true in my life this very day. That's for I will explain in just a second. Oh man, I am so tierd, I'm trying to figure out a new schedule because the one I'm currently in is not working too great, I end up sabotaging myself and am not getting enough sleep. I would love to be a coffee drinker, but I'm not too much into coffee, and caffenated tea puts me to sleep. Is that weird? I think it's weird. I always thought I was strange when it comes to this. Give me some super black tea and I'll be out before you know it. I have no clue why this happens to me, specifically. That's not normal, needless to say.

Anyway, back to today's you may know, I'm taking the Russian Literature class and right now we are studying Tolstoy's work. I am kind of a painfully slow reader. Mind you, I can read fast..but if I do..I won't remember squat. But really, I can't read that fast. I guess the correct term would be average. I used to be better, but let's not go there, lol. (Means my brain is dissipitating...I'm only kidding).   :)

Well, I was sick the week before last and so I ended up missing all of my classes (the whole two sum of them). And off course, as always, I end up falling behind. I tried to read while I was sick..but...I just couldn't. It was like trying to eat one piece of corn off the corn nob at a time..just pain stakingly slow, and not happenin'. And then off course I found the great joy of Barnes and Noble last week, (what a great place to study!) such a peaceful place, althought I must admit I fall asleep everything I sit down, only because it is so peaceful. That's all. :) The other day I was highlighting parts of the story, which was Dostoevsky's Notes from the Underground. And as I was highlighting the words I kept nodding off. My eyes seemed to be awake but my brain was in la-la land, I had no clue as to what I was highlighting, but I tell you what, I was certainly highlighting, and quite a bit I did. lol. Wouldn't it be embarrasing if somebody fell asleep and sleep walked in Barnes in Noble? I don't think I've ever sleep walked, but isn't that the whole point? I wouldn't know if I ever have or not because it's just that? Sleep walking! :) Anyway...I am so random sometimes...back to the story. While I was at Barnes and Noble I promised to read my homework assignment, to get caught up in class, but the other books fluttered before my eyes, they looked more scrumptious, and they tempted me. And needless to say, I gave in following the film ile like a sheep ready for slaughter. Let's just say I definitely did not do my homework that night as I had planned. Not at all. And if you don't know, I am the type of person that reads particularly slow, but I read in great detail. It might take me longer to get through something, but I will remember every detail of it. And I did. I ceretainly did. Oh My poor teacher. Since I was absent, she gave me some leigh way in writing a 2 page summary for the book reading and my missed discussion in class. And so, I was so keen on making it to class this morning that I read for 3 hours last night and 4 hours straight this morning. I woke up extra early (9:45 reality that is considered late) to read and finish my summary. You see, this morning I was very set on coming to class. I did not want to miss another class (you know we only get 3 absent days in a semester, and then they start droppin' letter it was a no-can-do, cause I need those days when something important comes up, ya know what I mean?). But anyway..I did finish my book and my summary, but I ended up missing class...again... because I was in the middle of finishing my summary when class started (which took me an hour 1/2 to finish..ridicuolous!) But again..I have a point in saying all of this. Believe me. So, I really didn't want to show up to class not having finished my summary 2 days in a row (I have an extension from last week's extension..yeah, I know, I know), and on top of that, I didn't read the last four chapters of the current book that we were reading, Tolstoy's Family Happiness, which is an excellent book by the way (so far as I've read anyway). I kind of gave up reading Family Happiness because I'm currently broke right now and I can't even afford a book. Yeah, I know (and I'm in no way complaining, so don't take it that way). And the only way I was able to read even a part of it was through a downloadable internet e-book version of it, which I only downloaded half the book and not the whole book...or so I thought. So yesterday at around 9pm, Brian and I decided to buy the whole entire e-book of Family Happiness online hoping that I could just print the rest of it out, when we bought the e-book, we were able to print it, but only the first 25 pages, which really stunk! I mean, seriously? I bought the book and you won't let me print the pages except the first 25? Come on now guys! But as I scrolled down to find out what page the book ended at to see how much I have left to read (e-books can be so complicated sometimes), I happened to catch the ending of the book, as I read it, I realized that I did have the entire book afterall with the free version that I had printed. How did I know you may ask? Because the ending were the same! So..I pretty much just wasted 10 dollars on a book that I already had. Lame. But ah, such is life. Right? Agreed. The free e-book that I printed said only "5 chapters," while the actual book has 9 chapters, and the sections are divided differently, but the entire free e-book was there, it was just formated differently, go figure. So to all who are wondering, if you happen to be a broke college student, or not, and you want to get your hands on some free books, please visit and go at it! :) Just don't get confused like I did. ;)

Well..I know I know, I'm about finished. I promise. I skipped today's class because I thought it would be absolutely useless to attend it if I only just sat there and listened, not being able to contribute to the book discussion (which is a huge bulk of class, unless we read some exerpts from the books), and I kinda felt embarrased to let everybody know again that I didn't do my homework. (It's a class of only 5 people, so they know when you have or haven't, it shows). I just skipped (bad example, don't learn from me). Sorry..I am a bit distracted right now, I caught myself starring at my withering baby palm tree in the corner, it needs some water, or a lot of it, it looks rather sad. That is why, dear ladies and gents, I don't own a gold fish. Case dismissed. Anyway..I'll be back...I really need to water that poor thing....

Okay. Back. (This isn't like I'm instant messaging, lol, I don't know why I even blogged that). So yeah, skipped class and finished my summary, and e-mailed it to my teacher. I certainly was apologizing for it being a week late. And the worst part is that my summary, which was only supposed to be 2 pages, was 9 pages poor teacher. She e-mailed me back saying that she would take a look at my summary and asked me politely if I realised that it wasn't part of the syllabus, it was only a grace period for me, and that she was busy. Basically, it was toooo long. I e-mailed her and apologised. I know, I have a hard time shoretning things. I guess that goes back to the fact that I am such a detail writer and I love to connect things, I thought that I could not possibly give a good summary in two pages...but I certainly did not realise it was nine whole pages! I thought that I only had four or so, but I was so lost in storming the thing up that I lost track, and so yes, I finally finished the book and that blasted summary. And yet I enjoyed it all. I somehow work well under pressure (maybe this blog is a testament to, I blog late at night, at the crack of dawn before the next day, or early the next day). To me, a day does not end until I lay my head to sleep. So even thought right now it is technically Wednesday morning, I am counting it as late Tuesday night. My tuesday hasn't ended for me yet. Is that cheating? I don't know.

So yeah...all of this to say is that I had a GREAT read today (sarcastically saying with a bit of truth in it). I acutally did enjoy the story, it was indeed a great read, hard to get through the beginning because the character's thoughts are so jumbled, but it all came together very nicely towards the middle. Maybe I'll actually post my summary here. But...hahaha, who would actually read nine pages of it?!?!!


Good night ladies and gents,
fellows and friends,

I am peacin' out for tonight.

Your truly,

-Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., I had definitely lost myself in a great ready today! Summary and all! Lost from 9am to 3pm! How about you? What kind of interesting books have you been reading lately? Any you would recommend? I'm a frequent flyer at Barnes and Noble now I hope you know. ;)

P.P.S I downed about 3 - 4 dove chocolates last night in an effort to keep awake, I think it worked, but only for a little while, a very little while. But they were very tasty nonetheless, gave me an excuse for eating more than one a day. Caffeine, why don't you get along with me?

P.P.S, thought you might enjoy this video after this loooooooong blog! (You gotta watch this a few minutes in! So cool!)

***I have a dream to do this one day.*** Care to join me? :)

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