Saturday, October 23, 2010

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 53 "Seek out small indulgences for yourself." PROMISES Messages

Hey guys!

I'm over here at Heather's studio just chillen and hanging out. :)

Today was a pretty faaaassst day. It just kinda went before my eyes. The kids were bezerk at Joel's Place today, they were driving me nuts! lol! Oh my gosh, you have no idea. lol. Joel's Place has a strong population of boys, that happen to drive me craaaaaazzzzaaaaayyy!!! Must be a full moon out today. They were bouncing off the walls! **Note to self** never sell them energy drinks at this time of the month or before the end of the day...they go crazyyy!!! My goodness! LOL!

Anyway, today was pretty good. I enjoyed today. I couldn't really get any work done today at work besides just signing kids in and yelling at them to not do this or stop that or this, and besides selling them concessions, I was pretty much not doing anything else. Well, that's a lie, I had a lot of conversations with a bunch of them, just seeing how their weeks gone. It's fun to chat with them I must admit. And is just good to see them. I love those kids.  :)

Today I was planning on going home and cleaning, but then in the middle of the day I decided to go out of my "plan" and comfort zone and to just home here to Heather's studio at the end of the day and just simply chill with her. My schedule and my life can always be busy and it usually always is, but if I don't make anytime for my friends and family, then it'll never happen.  You've just gotta chuck all plans aside sometimes and just make time for the people that you love. I just want to live my life you know? It's like everyday you wake up with $86,400 in your bank account, but the rules are that you are the only one who can spend that money, and at the end of the day whatever money that isn't spent is wasted, and then the next day you wake up with the same $86,400 fresh for that day, but the other rule is that at any time, the bank can at any point stop giving you that money, and it will be without notice, so you should spend it the best you could. What would you do if that was you? What would you do with that $86,400? Well, the truth is that you do have the $$, and that $$ is time! Every single day when you wake up you have 86,000 seconds in a day to spend just as you want, you're the only one who decides how you will spend your time, and you can either spend all of those 86,000 on yourself or you can disperse and spend that time on your family, friends, and even strangers. I mean, you can't spend all of that $86,4000 (86,4000 seconds) on yourself could you? So yeah, my point is that you should spend your time wisely and lavish that time on others than yourself. :)

Today, my small little indulgent is spending quality time with Heather. And you know what? I am fond of that girl, she is a pretty amazing friend to have.  :) I am happy to be here at the studio with her,  eating chocolate, listening to music, blogging, chatting, and soon to be painting the studio (she currently has a mask on and is painting). So, now I am going to get off line and go spend some time with my friend! Yeah!

Well, today was a good day! I hope your day wasn't bad either! :)

Love you guys!

Good night guys and God bless!

-Your Fellow Chocolatier :)

P.S., another one of my indulgences today was playing the yahoo "Text Twist" game at work when I couldn't get much done today because I was always out of my seat doing other stuff.

Anyway :)

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