Friday, October 29, 2010

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 59 "Go ahead, have another :-)" PROMISES Messages

Hey friends!

Today's quote was simple and simple can be, go ahead, have another...and so I did just that, I reached into that little bag grabbed another chocolate, and it was sure yummy. :)

I've gone through all of the Dove Chocolate flavors so far, and I'm starting to run low on quotes (uh-oh). Dear Dove, if you read this, please put some new quotes in a bag and send them my way. This will be very much appreciated. :)

Right now I'm going through the peanut butter filled Dove Chocolates, yum. I think that these are my favorite so far.

Well, that's about it today, just short and simple. :)

Talk to you later!

-Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., are there any Christmas seasonal Doves such as chocolate mint? Maybe? If not, let's hope for some. :)

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