Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 43 "Make plans, but allow for changes." Sylvie / Jenkintown, PA

Make Plans, but allow for changes. :) Hmmm...

What do you think? I think this is a pretty age old wisdom type of quote. I think making plans but allowing for change along the way to happen is probably the best way to live, and it's probably the most stress-free way to live. If we fear the unexpected, then we are doomed, but if we gladly accept and allow change to happen, then it may even lead down a road more pleasant than the one we had planned in the first place. It's funny, I know I feel like I'm repeating myself, and I probably am, but this quote pops up into mind, "the only constant in life is change," and it's true... Change can be challenging at time and yet change can we wonderful, I guess it's all in the eye of the beholder, but either way, change brings opportunity, even in the most saddest situations. Joy brings peace and grief brings reformation. There's always a way out, and there's always the flipped coin of the story. Door is closed you say? Well then, let's open the windows! It's high time to let some fresh air in! :)

I think that when we are flexible and are able to bend to the wind of change, we become better for it, we become smarter, healthier, happier, because we're not stuck on the shoulda, coulda, woulda been, but we are then infact starring into the face of the present. We are then truly living, when we allow change to takes it's place, but when we are rigid to life's changes, we are easily broken, easily battered, hurt, injured, cut down, and it will take awhile to heal back up and grow back to our first natural state. Example: Have you ever noticed how wheat fields move with the wind? Wheat never moves against the wind, it always moves in the direction of the wind, and when it does, it creates a beautiful ocean-like effect. It's quite mezmerising to watch! But imagine if the wheat was stiff, so rigid, that when the wind blew against it, it wouldn't dare try to budge out of place. Guess what would happen to it? The stock of the wheat would break and it would just lay useless on the ground where it can no longer be harvested, and if the remaining of the stock did manage to grow, it wouldn't grow back to it's full potential, that's why it's important for the wheat to move ever so gently with the wind, allowing the wind to carry it in the direction it chooses...

Now, I'm not saying that you should leave your life to luck, that's not what I'm saying at all. But what I am saying is that we need to be flexible enough to let change take it place in our lives when it needs to, and sometimes it needs to happen even when we don't feel like it should or are when we're not ready for it. The key point is to allows change to happen, and to simply go from there, to make the best of it. And when the uncontollable winds of change blow on our lives (basically things that YOU have NO control of), then just go with the flow of the wint and make the best of it). AS LONG AS IT IS HEALTHY, the only time I would say it is okay to be rigid and let the wind of change break you is when the wind trys to compromise you. And when it comes to that point, then don't let it, better to be broken then compromised. Compromise in this definition means to let something occur that you can not stand with, uphold, or defies your moral values, and it simply isn't who you are. But other than that, go with it. :)

Hope this all made sense and I hope the wheat metaphor helped.

Well guys,

Off to bed I shall trallop. :)

Sweet Dreams!

Love your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., It's good to find a couple of people to lean on when the winds of life blow your way in order to keep flexible enough but not until the point of breaking, and in order to have a shoulder to lean on to help in stormy winds and someone to keep you accountable. :)

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