Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 56 "Don't go where the road leads, rather go where there is no road and make a trail." PROMISES Messages

Oh boy.

Today was an extremely stressful day. And I am just ready to go to bed. Yep. And on top of that, the computer is tweaking out, so I think I will keep this blog short. I even feel like I'm coming down with something, I hope not.

Well...I've been cleaning the house like a mad woman for the past 3 hours. And I think I'm gettin' somewhere. The thing I like about cleaning is that cleaning is a thing with results, you can see your results immediately, and it's sorta gratifying I must admit. Unlike working out, eating healthy, making a paycheck, memorizing lines for a play, or even this blog, all of the above mentioned take time in order for results to show. But cleaning, is immediate, and wonderful, because it gives you a sense of accomplishment, as well as a clear mind because now you're able to think clearly instead of having a cluttered mind being distracted by all that's wrong with the scene you're in.

Well, anyway, I feel like I've just made a trail in the house where there was no trail. lol.

Actually, on a more serious note, I come from a deep Russian background, and there are many things that were taught to be wrong, that actually aren't, like getting your ears pierced (which I got about 2 months ago for the first time in my life, at 21), and other little sort of meaningless things that have too much stock put into them by my culture. But anyway...that's actually not the point, the point is that I am pursuing a different path than my stereotype. And in a way, I hold that up high, kinda of with pride, but not a self-centered type of pride, but more of a trail blazer type of pride. I am hard core pursuing acting right now...and I remember when I was little I used to question why there weren't any Russian actors our there in Hollywood. It made me very curious, and kind of upset all at the same time (I mean, there are so many Russian immigrants living in America and such, and it just always kinda of bothered me that nobody would pursue acting). Well, a great deal I believe why many Russians don't act is because of Hollywood is usually portrayed in a negative light, and often contradicts Russian faith, but you see, I believe in God, and I see no reason at all how acting can actually contradict faith, in fact, I believe that it only empowers it. I think that many times we as human beings like to label something wrong or right. I will name one extreme example; "the t.v. is the devil / evil." How do we come to such a conclusion? We like to generalize and stereotype, and just put things in to categories and boxes and we never allow the creativity and freedom to flow out of any outlet, we somehow minimize what can be maximized. Anyway, the point is that anything can be good or evil, based upon the intent and the motivation of the person's heart, or the misuse of something that was meant for good, or created for good. A t.v. can be either used for "good" or "evil," depending on the viewer and what they choose to watch and fill their heads with. And so is the internet, porn or not, and so are dates, getting to know the person vs. just wanting to sleep with them. Anyway..everything has a purpose and a reason, and anything can be used for good of evil. Ever heard of the quote that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder?" Well...so is choosing to use something for the better or the worse, that too is in the eye of the beholder.

So my dear friends, I am choosing a path that is considered maybe an unwise dream, or unappropriate, or whatever, you fill in the blanks, but I tell you this, it's all in the eye of the beholder, and in my eyes, acting is an enriching testimony, it's a way to bring captivating stories and character to life to change a person's mind for the better, to make the audience aware of a situation, of a story, of a trouble, of a happiness, to make them aware of themselves. Acting is meant as an encouragement, it's all about relaying a message. Now whether some actors use it for the not so good side of things, well...it's their choice. And how they spend their power of influence on our present day culture, again, it's only their choice, they will answer one day for the poor or not so poor decisions that they have made. But as for me, I plan on using my influence the better side of things, and I hope that I will be able to have the power to influence people's thoughts for the better. I hope to tell a captiviating story that will change somebody's future. I hope to be a voice in this nation, on this earth, in this generation. When there are voicing saying that you need to look cool to fit in, I want to be the voice saying you look cool by being yourself. When girls are listening to a voice that says you need to weigh 100 pounds to be considered beautiful and that they have to fit those gosh darn skinny jeans, I want to be the voice that tells them it's okay to be different than the cultural consideration of norm, it's okay to have curves like the rest of the world, and it's okay to eat food and not be worried about all of the calories, and that it's okay not to fit those stupid skinny jeans afterall. They're out of style anyway. And who really cares about the "current style" anyway, you don't have to follow a stupid trend? Create your own, be the trendsetter, be the one that makes the trail. I want to be a positive voice out here in this world. I have made up my mind to do so, and nobodys gonna stop me unless I die.

Well guys,

That's that.

I'm checking out for today,

Shalom :) That means peace.

Love ya'll!

-Your very determined Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., What kind of trail do you want to create? (Leave me a message, I'd like to know).  :)

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