Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 49 "A hug is a great gift - one size fits all." Vera / Alexandria, VA

Today was pretty chill. Brian and I woke up early and drove from Delta to Fairbanks. The Richardson Hwy was pretty clear at first, and the air ourside was crisp. It was still dark when we left. When we left at 6:30am, we stopped by the gas station and local grocery store and stalked up on some yummy food; pizza stick, chicken strips, egg & sausage muffin, beef jerkey, a mango rock star, and some orange juice. Anyway, we just kind of stoked up on snacks (with me, heavier the food is, the more awake I am, the lighter the food is, the more easily I am able to fall asleep, plus, protein is a good kick off start for the day). I know that the chicken strips aren't necessarily the breakfast type of food, but I liked it anyway. :) Yum.

The trip from Delta to Fairbanks takes two hours, and we left early to try and make it to Brian's early morning class but half way through the trip light flurries of snow started falling from the sky, and then they just got thicker and thicker. Now the road from Delta to Fairbanks is a very windy and mountainous road, so we actually slowed down quite a bit, made it to Fairbanks and we ended up missing Brian's class because we took and extra hour to drive. Good thing we made it safe though, I really don't like driving on fresh snow, especially not on that road, but it was beautiful nonetheless.

When we got home, we just crashed and slept in until about one in the afternoon and then I got ready for work. That's pretty much today. The drive, work, and then home. Oh, and of course our trip to Barnes and Noble at the end of the day. Tell you what, I am really fond of that place. :) It's the easiest place for me to do homework, even the bad roads can't stop me (and it was super snowy when I left work tonight). But oh how I love the snow when it's freshly fallen. It's so light, flurry, fluffy, and it covers everything with white, making everything around it glow and I love it when the sky turns bright because of the reflection of the snow. So beautiful.

Anyway...when Brian and I came home at the end of the day, we just spent time together. We just hugged, and just simply talked about our day today. And you know, just that one simple hug, made the whole day entirely different, it made it entirely better than it had been all day. And today was a chill day, but that hug, that greatest gift of all, made my day. I love hugs. And I got a lotta hugs this weekend form my family, and from my grandma, I love my grandma's hugs. :) You know...the human touch is so powerful. Hugs are a powerful tool of communication. When I was in high school, I never hugged anyone for the longest time. Actually, I just really kept my distance, and even my best friend and I of ten years didn't really hug either. But then...I met some people along the road that were huggers, and I got converted. A hug, like a smile, can lift your mood, cause you to smile, make you feel better, and lift your spirits. A hug is a tiny non-verbal form of encouragement and comfort, and I can use those things quite often. Can't you? :)
Well guys,

Today has been a good day, and tonight has been very cozy and
chill, it looks like a winter wonderland outside, and I'm ready to drink some soothing
tea and go to bed.

K, good night friends!

Have a peaceful sleep and give out your hugs freely tomorrow, especially to your loved ones! Hugs are priceless little gifts. :)

-Love your Fellow Chocolatier :)

P.S., Haha, maybe to leave on a slightly funny note, (this is a repost of my facebook status) NEVER...I REPEAT, NEVER EVER HAVE FOOD IN YOUR MOUTH WHILE SNEEZING OR BLOWING YOUR NOSE. I just had a piece of bell pepper shoot straight up my nose from my throat...needless to say, that wasn't a very pleasant experience....I never even knew food can get stuck up your nose! It took it 15 minutes to come out! Sick!  So yeah...that's what happened today...

Anyway, haha,

Goodnight guys!

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