Saturday, October 16, 2010

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 46 "Remember, mistakes make life interesting." Nancy / Burgoon, OH

Hey blogspot fam!

Is this quote as true as ever! Today...I definitely made lots of mistakes...some I'm not particularly proud of. Actually, I'm not proud of any of them. You know those days that are full of stupid problems and the root of them happens to be linked back to you and and your attitude? Well, that's how it was for me today. I could've avoided some things, but instead, I put up a bad attitude, and things went even more sour. But the point was that it was my choice. I could've controlled me, because that's the only person I can control, but I chose not to. But there was a turn around, I decided to ask for forgiveness, because that was what was right. Even though my heart wasn't agreeing with my head, I decided to do what was right. And you know what? I'm glad that I did. And now, everything is okay, just fine and dandy again. Infact, maybe even better. :)

Today was a learning experience, and I don't regret one bit of it. I was able to learn from today, and today's quote happens to be very fitting of today.

Remember, mistakes make life interesting.

Sleep tight,

Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., before I opened my Dove Promise today, I wrote this on facebook;  "Life is funny. Sometimes we make bigger problems out of things than they ought to be. <<<<<<<speaking of myself. :) Lord have mercy. lol. Oh jeez. I admitt, I am a problem maker sometimes, not proud of it, but I am willing to admit it. At least tomorrow is full of new mercies, grace, and opportunities. So I am looking forward to a new day." :)

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