Thursday, October 28, 2010

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 58 "Take time to feel the sun on your face." PROMISES Messages

Hey there!

This is quite funny to me, but I am going to take today's quote quite literally. As you may or may not know, I live in Alaska, and right now we are in our beginning stages of winter. And what Alaska is famous for is it's long 24/7 sunshine in the summer, and it's loooong and drawn out darkness in the winter. We are currently headed for the latter. Although the Northern Lights are beautiful around this time of year, I've got to say that I dearly miss the sunshine. I miss seeing the sun's face and when it does come out to show, it only says hello only but for a little while, and that dear friends, is when I need to take the time to feel the sun on my face...Because you know, it's easy to get lost in your to dos of the day and not take some time to truly enjoy the sunshine, after all, it's only around for such a short time anyway.

Well guys, I suppose that the above is my Winter's resolution, *take time to feel sun* (big note to self).

All the's only getting darker and darker, by mid December we'll only have 5 hours of sunlight in a day (if the sun chooses to shine that day), it might just be light outside with a lot of overcast...which is the regular look of the sky in the winter time here in Alaska (no wonder they refer to Alaska in all of the Twilight books) lol. But of course, when the sun does choose come out, everything brightens up a gazillion times because not only is the sun shining, but the snow reflects the sunshine, and it becomes simply blinding, yet beautiful all the same, and yes, you can totally get sun burnt even in the winter, you can get really sun burnt. In fact, I know of a few people who particulary like to sun bathe in the actually happens. No joke.

Well anyway, that's another story to be told,

Off to snooze & schmooz I go,

Come back around tomorrow!

-Your Sun Shine missing Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., I hope after reading this you are appreciating your sunshine in your neck of the woods! :)

Here are two version of a song I happen to like quite a lot, and I think it's very fitting. :)

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