Saturday, October 9, 2010

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 39 "Make it happen every day." Richard / Glendale, CA

Make it happen everyday...the question is make what happen? My thought on it are this; you take the initiative to make whatever happen each that otherwise would not have happened if you did not apply yourself to accomplish it, whether it's doing homework, taking time to reconnect with a long lost friend, or making the choice to forgive somebody even though you are puffed in in anger or hurt. Usually taking initiative on one thing or another require sacrifice on the part of the initiator. In order to accomplish what you want to accomplish, you'll have to give up something that you would rather be doing instead of what you are taking the extra effort to do.

So this, is what I call "making it happen everyday." It's my definition anyway. :)

I would say that today was a day full of initiative and making things happen for me. I worked on a fundraising letter (and finished it) that I was supposed to have worked on and finished weeks ago. I started a much needed conversation today with a much needed pesron and was able to explain things to them to get them to understand something in my life that had happened a while ago but still affects me to this day. I took the time to go to THIRST, a quarterly faith based youth meeting and grabbed one of the Joel's Place kids along (she was super depressed and going to THIRST was very uplifting to her, so she said). Brian and I took the time to hang out with Mark, (he invited us over and cooked some delicious dinner! Yum!) and it was our much needed hang out time with him. And, I made it a point to connect with some of the most rascally boys at Joel's Place and tell them a story that they kept asking me to tell them, and we shared funny youtube videos together, they showed me some pretty cool videos, and I showed them some neat ones in return. And most importantly of all the rest is that I took the initiative to forgive my husband for something that happened today that really made me mad, I was angry. I don't get angry very often. It was more of a saddness and frustration  type of anger, but in the moment I was the most hot and angry at him, I knew then that I just needed to forgive, and at the moment it didn't seem like such a great and flattering option, because honestly...I just wanted to wallow in my anger. But I chose to forgive my husband and put my anger aside. I must admit even now while I'm writing I still have pangs of sadness striking through my brain. But I am alright, I think it's just a combination of being tierd, staying up late until right now, and having to go through a loooong day, nevertheless it was a pretty good day. That is one thing that I am very proud of, the fact that we have made it a golden rule in our relationship to never let the sun go down on our anger. We have made it a promise and a point to always work things out and not go to sleep until we do. At times when one of us hits the couch, the other will come pester or sweet talk the other one until we get up and go to bed, forgive each other, talk it out, and continue with life.

I am thankful for my husband, and I am thankful that he too makes it a point to do this. He's a good guy.


Anyway...overall, it was a good day.

And now, it's time for a close.

Good night ya'll!

-Your very sleepy Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., What do you plan to tackle and initiate today?

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