Friday, October 15, 2010

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 45 "There are new opportunities around every corner!" Toby / Santa Monica, CA

Hey ya'll! :)

There truly are new opportunites around every corner! I love it! :) It's da truth. ;)

Today...I was VERY bummed...the beginning of the day was pretty great, but then in the middle of the day..two things happened one after the other, totally unrelated except that their timing pretty much matched. And it sucked. It did. I felt helpless, and kinda stuck. These two things happen to be a major part of my life right now, one is an event I am planning, and the other is an acting gig. Anyway...turns out that after getting the part, and after a little tiny miscommunication, I might not be able to get it afterall, and the event I've been working on might come to a hault, and we might need to start from scratch...again (we've been starting from scratch for over a year and a half now)...and everytime we get to a good point...something always seems to creep in...(and this event usually takes anywhere from 5-year to plan). And the acting thing just bummed me out, because I've been really looking forward to it, a lot. Bummer.

But...that's okay. I cried a little, just because I felt tierd of trying, and now I'm okay. (Again, not complaining, just honestly trying to let you know how my day went). But you know when you've been really looking forward to something or have been working on something for a loooong time, and then all of a sudden you're work is vanished and your opportunity has been snuffed out? That's how it just feels like, hopeless.

But you know...I know better. Deep down, I know better. I know that this IS NOT the end of the world, and that life will go on proceeding, and that things will be OKAY.   :) Things will be okay! You hear?! :)

So when I opened my Dove Chocolate Promise quote today, it came to me at a very opportune time, exactly right when I needed it. Coincidence? Maybe not. :) You know there's a saying that goes like this; "Coincidence is when God chooses to remain anonymous." -unknown author.

So, I am definitely encouraged by today's quote, and I am certainly looking forward to the new opportunites that are lying ahead of me around the corner! What fun!

I still may be bummed now, but I will be okay, and everything will be okay. No need to worry. This reminds me of that child hood phrase we all know so well, "hakuna mattata." ;)
Well guys,

It has been a pleasure,

Be good. Get rest. Don't snore. :)

Love ya'll!

-Your Fellow Chocolatier

I think I want to take some corners, I'm ready for new opportunities, how about you? :)

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