Sunday, October 10, 2010

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 40 "Be who you are - originals are much more valuable." Pam / Centennial, CO

Hey guys!

 Wow! Today was a clumsy day! Anything that can go wrong went wrong. Brian went on a trip to help out some family members this weekend, so he took the car, which leaves me without a car because we only have one.

So, for the start of the day, there was tons of confusion. I joined the Fairbanks Frontier Choir called the "Sweet Adelines," it's a women's barbershop choir. It's tons of fun. Right now we're gearing up for the Christmas season, so yes, we are rehersing Christmas songs at the moment. (I <3 Christmas!). today since I don't have the car, one of the ladies from choir was going to pick me up. I woke up late, so I missed her call at 9am, she left me a message, it was kinda vague, and then I called her back as soon as I checked it. I too couldn't get a hold of her so I left her a message instead. I stood outside by the bus stop, my head was REALLY cold because I forgot my hat, and it was super windy today! A chilly type of windy! Buuurrrrr!!! So then, after 15 minutes I decided to head back to the house because I could not find her anywhere. Thankfully, Brian overslept and was just getting ready for Delta, so he dropped me off at rehersal. I felt bad though, cause I didn't know if she showed up or was waiting for me anywhere. Turns out, she was. I later saw her at choir rehersal and she let me know that she drove around the campus twice, walked through a couple of places, waited for about 15-20 minutes, and then drove to choir rehersal. I apologised to her for the miscommunication. It turns out that she had also sent me an e-mail letting me know that she couldn't pick me up at 11:15 like she said because she had a hair appointment and she couldn't reschedule it, so she would come pick me up at 10:40 instead. Oops! I didn't read the e-mail. So I apologised again, she didn't mind it at all, she was glad I was at rehersal, we hugged and went on with our day.

BUT, that's certainly not the end but only the beginning to my clumsiness...I had to leave choir rehersal 1/2 early to walk to the Fairbanks River Front Theater for an acting audition for the play called, The Miracle Worker, a play based on Helen Keller's life. I overestimated the walking distance from the church we were in for hehersal to the theater. I thought it was only a few blocks, it was more than a mile, maybe two. It was okay at first, but then it just became cold so quickly. A few blocks in, I was clenching to my pea coat and my hands felt like ice. I couldn't feel my nose, I'm sure it was red as Rudolph's. Good thing I left early, because by the time I actually got there it was 10 minutes before the audition started. It was a pretty fun audition I'd say. I enjoyed it. I hope I get the part, but if I don't, it was still worth the experience. :) Trying to build up my acting resume, ya know? :)

Then I called Mark, and he was super nice to go out of his day to pick me up and drop me off at home. I also didn't eat anything at all until 4pm, so I was pretty hungry, and exhausted. I was extermely sleepy, so I called into work to see what time I was coming in for sure, and it ended up being earlier than I thought. I had to come in at 5pm instead of 6pm like I that cut my nap time down to 15 minutes. It was definitely a power nap, and I'm surprised I actually fell asleep because usually when I take a nap I'm only slightly dazed but pretty much awake the whole time. But today, I was out like a light bulb because of how tierd of was. OH! That reminds me, and not only did my day begin clumsy when I was awake, but also when I was asleep! I went to bed at, I'm going to try to go to sleep right after I get done with this blog, (it's 1am right now), and so I was supposed to wake up a drive to the airport at 7am to go see my aunt off that has come to visit from Russia. Needless to say...that didn't happen. My grandma called my phone to let me know that I was in town, but I was dead asleep, and aparently forgot that she leaves at 7:40 and set my alarm for 8am. Boy oh boy...(shakes head). So yeah, I missed saying goodbye to my aunt which I only get to see every 5 or so years. I was bummed, and I went back to bed, and when I woke up again, it was 11:50, only 20 minutes before Patricia was supposed to pick me up for choir. (Twenty minutes isn't enought for me! It takes me 30-45 minutes to get ready alone, and then add food and the time it takes to do all that). So, I hurried like a crazy person and I didn't even eat. ...and then as you already know, the miscommunication happened between me and Patricia.

Well, let's forward a bit, when Mark dropped me off from Theater rehersal, I ate a little, took the 15 minute nap, got dressed, forgot to wear my hat...again...and went to go wait at the bus station to go to work. I called into work, and the girl that works opposite of me told me that she would sit in for me, I let her know that I would be there around 5:45 ...the bus as a new I ended up going around the entire town, only to make a loop around and show up at work at 6:45 ..yeah. An hour late. I know. I definitely met some interesting people on the city bus. There are some weird people that ride the bus. But I love people, so it's all interesting to me. I guess I am what you would call a people watcher. I ended up sitting next to a man who was a musician and he had a walking disability. He was super cool, we talked the entire time, he asked me what I was majoring in school, I let him know that I was majoring in music and film, and he turned out to be a musician himself and he knew a couple of the same people as I did, so we got to talking and it was fun. It's good to meet kind people on strange trips. :) And then..of course there was that one guy behind us that kept talking super loud on the phone to his buddy about evolutinon, alien invasion, and stuff like that. I mean...whoa! It was crazy! He was talking super crazy! I'm not even sure there was somebody talking to him on the phone, it kinda sounded like he just wanted us to hear what he was saying! And it was just crazy talk. Something like out of a movie. I'm pretty sure he was even making up words, he was so loud that the music man and I couldn't hear each other at times. So yeah..that was pretty much my day.

Oh, and then when I got to Joel's Place, the boy were acting especially ornery today and were super rascally. Oh. My. Gosh. They were goin' nuts! And they were all around me! It drove me crazy! But I was polite the whole time. I love having them around, but sometimes..too much it too much. LOL!!!

So, after 6 hours of ALL THAT...I got a ride home from Emma, our program director, when I came home I was making some food, and I spilled milk on my boots. Bummer. And the day ended with a warm green tea bath. A very soothing, much needed, much wanted bath. And now I am here finishing up my story, and will hit the snoozer, after I tell Brian good night on the phone of course. Gotta check up with the man.

ANYWAY...after saying all that, I have one more point. I promise, it will be short and sweet. Today's quote, "Be who you are - originals are much more valuable," reigns true. You see, I am kind of a clumsy person, and today prooved it. I'm not always smooth, always smart, and I don't always say or do the right things, but I am chiefly myself. I am not anybody else, and I can't be. And it's quite a sad thing when we feel the need to do something, say something, be something that others expect us to be or want us to be, because then, we are only doing a diservice to ourselves. You won't enjoy life if you don't live it from the real perspective our yourself. You won't enjoy life if you're always trying to measure up to everybody else's standards and expectations, and you certainly won't enjoy life by trying to look cool in front of other and by trying to please others. That is called "the fear of man," it's when you're so worried about what others think that you try to conform to their ideals. But I tell you this, don't conform to their ideals, don't worry about what they are going to think or say, have your own standards, and live up to your expectations, not others. Be you. Be yourself. And it is truly okay to be just you. Like that guy on the bus, even though he was talking all crazy, he was totally and completely himself. Totally. So be you, and you know what? WHO CARES IF OTHERS LIKE IT OR NOT. OH WELL!!!

You know, theres a saying that goes like this, "those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." So yeah. I think that says it in itself. JUST BE YOU.

Well guys,

Of to tra-la-la-la land I go.

Good night!

-Your uniquely own Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., I like you just the way that you are, and I give you permission to just be you! (You don't even need my permission, or anybody's for a matter of fact!). Originals are much more valuable. ;)

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