Saturday, August 27, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 141 "Dare to Dream ." Dove Chocolate Promises

Hey guyyyyys!!!!!!!

I say, LONG TIME NOT SEE!!! Last time I blogged was in April. Crazy! I guess I kinda gave up, and here are some reasons why;

  • No more internet (kind of a biggie)
  • Moved to new apartment
  • Was busy trying to get licensed for foster care
  • Started a new position
  • And got overwhelmed.
BUT...I think I'm back! And I do dare to dream!!!! I am going to continue my blog till I hit my 365 day mark! I started it, so I'm gonna pick right back up where I left off and I'm gonna finish it! ...6 months later, but nonetheless not giving up. I'm back guys. I'm gonna try my best. It might not be everyday, cause sometimes I won't have internet, buy I will definitely try my best. :)

So, there's a whole lotta catchin' up I gotta let you in on! Wow, wow, wow! Life has definitely taken a 360 for me, lots of change, But good change! After this little entry, I'm gonna go look at some of my beginning blogs and see where this year had led me.

Anyway, I hope you're having a great day, and remember, DARE TO DREAM! And if you've ever given up on your dreams, it's never too late to start over!!! K? Remember that! And rest assured that you CAN do what you've always been wanting to do, whether that includes going back to school to finish your degree, starting a better relationship with your kids, saving money to go on that one dream vacation that you've never gone on but always dream of, or that karate class or ballet class, even if your 50 years old and you think it's past your age limit. Life is full of possibilites, so GO FOR IT! Like that Nike slogan, JUST DO IT! :) You can do and be anything that you want to be. It's up to you. The world is full of opportunites and possibilites, you just have to make up your mind to allow yourself to dream again and to take action for it. Afterall, the world doesn't need a bunch of people that are walking around dead, it needs people to come alive.=)

You are your biggest stumbling block. If you allow yourself to do it, and set goals and deadlines, and get encouragement along the way, you WILL soar!

Love you guys,

And keep dreaming!

And pursuing your dreams!!! Don't give up!

And remember, it's never too late to start over!

-Your Fellow Chocolatier

Friday, April 29, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 140 "Engage Other. Inspire All. Believe in YOU ." Gretchen / Hatley WI


 It's been forever and a day. :) It's good to be back! Life has been pretty hectic and crazy in the last month. ...I can't believe I haven't blogged in over a MONTH! How crazy is that? Well, hopefully now I will be back on schedule. It's always hard for me to get back into the habit of blogging when I get out of it, which happens with anything for that matter. It easy to break habit and it's always harder to start one. That's just the way it is.

Well, anyway, right now I'm sitting down on the couch watching some live footage of the Royal Wedding. Pretty cool huh? :) Prince William and Kate Middleton are getting hitched. This is pretty crazy, billions of people are watching the Wedding to be through the media. It's pretty interesting. I wonder how she feels with the eyes of the whole world on her? I bet they will be sooo happy once it's actually just them on their honeymoon. Best of wishes to them. I hope and pray that they truly and honestly have a happy married life ahead of them. :)

As for today's quote. I think that engaging others and inspiring all first has to come from engaging and inspiring yourself. I believe in getting to know yourself. Knowing who you are, what you feel strong about, what you like, dislike, stand strong for, don't care much for, what makes you happy, what makes you tick. it's important to know your boundaries, breaking points, and beliefs. It's important to know your weaknesses and your strengths. It's just important for us human beings to figure ourselves out. It'll make the world a much easier place to live in. That's what I believe anyway. That's why I'm taking a break from acting and other things for the next 6 months to really try to figure out who I really am. I want to take some time to figure things out for myself, clear my head a bit, and just work on myself. I believe I will be much more productive and helpful when I can have assurance of who I am. What do you think? Well, anyway, I believe that is starts with you. You can't change anyone, but you CAN and HAVE the power to changer yourself. So be EMPOWERED! I believe in today's quote, but let me reverse the order of the quote to make it fit a bit better. :) "Believe in YOU. Inspire ALL. Engage Others." Now that more like it. :)

Well guys,

I'm going to bed. I hope you've had a wonderful day so far.

Don't let anything or anyone get you down. Have faith and believe in yourself, and maybe something a bit higher than yourself. :)

K guys,

Goodnight or Good day, depending on your time frame.

Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 139 "YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL." Debbie / Henderson KY

Hi guys,

Long time no see eh? :)

Lots of stuff has been happening lately...and it's all exciting and very scary at the same time. I'm also learning to be a little more easy on myself. I guess I'm going from high standards, to almost no standards, meaning that, I'm not going to be so hard on myself if I don't accomplish what I set out to do. It's okay if I don't finish, and it's okay if I fail. I am not perfect. Obviously. And well, anyway...lately Leah and Stacy and I have started working out, and I have not been the healthy weight that I have wanted to be, although I look it, I've actually been overweight for my BMI, (Body Mass Index), and I just have had no energy, but since taking ballet this semester and since starting these weekly work outs with Leah, Stacy, and Sean, I have felt more energetic, and more healthy. And you know what? I actually don't have an expectation to lose weight. I just don't. My only hope and expectation is that I will be stronger. I want to feel strong and be strong. And that is my expectation, to be healthy, and be myself, not super model, but super chick. :)

Well guys,

I better get going,

I think a few things came up, so I have to go check them out, and I have to get to bed because I have class early in the morning!


Love ya!

-Your Fellow Chocolatier,

P.S., You know what? Even though I don't always feel beautiful, I know that I am. :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 138 "Treat every day as a gift." PROMISES MESSAGES

Hey guys!

Haven't seen ya in awhile! :) It's been kinda crazy lately...I have to remind myself to actually blog and eat chocolate. Insane right? :) has been kinda hectic lately...lots of changes going on here and there.  ...I guess I'm just kinda stuck wondering where the next step will lead. I feel like I'm in a crossroads in my life, with the whole foster parenting thing, and acting, and my new job, and gaining new friendships, and seeing friends leave for awhile, and just things like that. It's like WHAM BAM!!! It's almost as if I don't even have the time to think anything through, It feels as though I am kinda being thrown into it...and it definitely feels good to blog about it. I am figuring myself out as we speak. Well, me and Brian joined the board for "The Well" and we will be having our first board meeting on the 3rd Sunday of April. And we might get Eleanor, this all might actually work out, we spoke with her attorney today, so we wiil see.. :) But so far, so good. And well, I'm just continuing with all the cooking, I finally feel like I can breathe and like I am actually catching up. It feels good. Oh, lol, Eleanor has a boyfriend, so she went to the movies with him yesterday, and all four of us went on a double date. We were in another part of the theater, watching an entirely different movie from the one they were watching, but we were still in the same movie theater, watching different movies at the same time. You see, we don't know the guy too well, so we weren't just gonna let her go on a date with him unless they followed our standards. :) I got to meet him the day before and he hung out at Joel's Place. Nice kid, so far. :) And I talked with him on the phone, and asked him if his intentions towards Eleanor were honorable, and he was suprised because nobody had ever asked him a question of the sort. So it was great. He's kinda intimidated by us, which is a good thing. :) And he is super polite, which I like. He's from Delta, so it's a long distance relationship, so this might work. I hope it actually does, because I approve. :) Well...anyway, we gave them an ultimatum, (since we didn't know the guy), that we would drop Eleanor off at the movies at the start of the movie and pick her up at the end, that way there wouldn't be any time for fooling around, whatever that means. Basically so that they wouldn't have any extra time on their hands...teenagers tend to get into trouble when they are bored or when they have too much time on their hands (which I trust the two of them, and I don't think this is the case), and the second option was that we would go to the movies with them, different movies, at the same time. We decided to do the latter. It was pretty fun. Haha, she said she fell asleep during the movie..aparently they saw "Battlefiend Lost Angeles," so she wasn't interested in the apocolypse via aliens novie. :) They were supposed to go see "I am number four," but ended up movie hopping in the beginning. lol. She made me laugh when she said she fell asleep. She said it was boring, although her date had fun and throroughly enhoyed it. That's good though. :) I like the both of them together, he's a nice kid, and I hope they make it. I could see them going far, but we'll see what happens. I have nothing but high hopes for them. :) And Brian and I ended up watching "The Adjustment Bureau," which is a great movie by the way, I would recommend watching it. I think I may even buy it when it comes out on dvd, it's kinda like Inception, but the story line was more like "Equilibrium," which is another excellent movie by the way.

Well guys, today was a good day, I guess I rambled quite a bit about yesterday, but today was good. It was a Monday, and Mondays are staff days. That means that we close down at 7 instead of 9 to have staff meetings, and I thoroughly enjoy those. I really like the Joel's Place family. I love all of my co-workers.

Well, I am trying to treat each day as a gift, not to take any moment for granted, especially since what happened in Japan a couple of days ago, my heart goes out to everyone there. In case you are reading this blog and you are from Japan, I want to give you my condolences, and I also want to let you know that you are in my prayers. May God be with you.

I got a bit sad watching the news today, I had to turn it off, it was just so heart wrenching...what else is there to say? I don't think words are enough...

I just want to leave you with this message; take a look and evaluate what the important things are in life, don't take your family and friends for granted, love them every moment you have, forgive, and never give up on them. Believe in redemption, have hope, and be a shining light that you are placed on this earth to be. Keep your head up kid. :) Everything will be alright. I promise. Things may not seem like it now, but I promise you will get through. There is a rainbow on the other side, the storm will not last forever., laugh, love. Or even so, Live well, laugh often, love much.

With Love,

-Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., I meant it, seriously, don't take a moment for granted. LOVE every chance you get. Choose love, because Love Wins.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 137 "Be brave and hope for a cure." Anne / St. Louis, MO

Crazy! Crazy!!!!

I've just been watching the news for about 2 hours. Japan got hit with a 8.9 magnitude earthquake and this also triggered a tsunami wave that will not only and not only has affected Japan but will also affect the entire west coast, from Alaska to South America. That's crazy! Warnings have been issued for the West Coast, Los Angeles is shutting down it's beaches, and they are estimating that the water may go inland and entire mile. That's pretty crazy and devastating. Hawaii should be hit next, and then the rest of the coast. I feel like the entire world is glued to the t.v, watching what will happen next. My friend Nicole posted earlier today that she was leaving for Tokyo, (She's in a foreign exchange program in Japan), and she attends Hokkido University. And today she posted as a facebook comment that she was headed to Kyoto and Tokyo. Everybody has been posting worried comments on her facebook page because no one could reach her, and Tokyo was hit the hardest...she just replied around 20 minutes ago saying that she was safe and that she got of the train before they shut down. All major transportation in Japan is shut down, leaving many without any way of getting home. Nicole and her friend are safe, they made it to Kyoto and she is eating a hot meal with her friend's family. Glad she is safe! Thanks to all who were praying for her!

I am just waiting and watching, just watching what will happen next, and I hope that many people will rush to help out in Japan, I am hoping for a cure, for a remedy, I hope that many helping hands will aide the people of Japan. If I could, I would go. So I am praying for open path ways for those who will make plans to go such as PeaceCorps workers, navy, and others such as that.


Love You Guys,

Stay Safe, have a peace filled night.

-Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., Go watch the news, and I also want to challenge you to help out in any way, whether that means informing others about what's going on, donating $$ to help after effects, or even going out to the nations and giving your personal time and strength to help others.

K guys. Love ya!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 136 "Have courage, Love life." - Mary


 The last three days have been interesting. I can't actually go into detail because I want to be careful about what I say, I wish I could go into detail, but I can't just yet. Not quite yet. But maybe soon, maybe even in a few weeks I will be able to. It's about foster parenting. But that's all the detail that I will give for now.

So basically, I have grown in a lot of ways in the past couple of days, and I have most certainly learned a lot more about myself, new things.

I am super tired and I am behind in homework, hopefully I will wake up early tomorrow and get a bit of reading done.

Well guys, I'm going to keep it short, and I'm kind of amazed at myself right because a lot of unexpected things are happening right now, things that I never expected, and so...I guess I'm just in a weird waiting place right now, with acting, foster parenting, and a few couple of other things. And today's message is a good encouragement, have courage and love life. And that, is a huge step in and of itself. So, if you think of me, say a prayer or two for me, k?

Thanks guys!

Hope you're having a terrific day or a terrific night! (Depending on where you live) :)

-Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 135 "Everyone deserves a lifetime." Pam / Indianapolis, IN

Howdy folks,

 Today has been a very tiering day for me. I just sorta feel very out of it. I've been extremely tired.Good thing I had a community service kid do all of the dishes today at work! That was a major help!

So, I've just kinda been contemplating life, the things I want to see, the things that I don't much care about anymore, and the things that if the big IF happens, then would I be okay with the process and end result?

So...I'm just in a contemplating place. Pray for me, k? :) I would really appreciate that.

Well, I hope everything goes well with foster parenting, I hope we get the process going, and I hope that we get the specific child that we are hoping to get. Keep that in prayer too. So that the Lord will make a way.
I believe that everybody deserves a lifetime, and that everybody deserves a lifetime of love.

K guys,

Love you very much,

-Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 134 "Blessed is the season the engages the whole world in love." PROMISES Messages


 I am such a slacker! I haven't blogged in forever!

But it's good to be back! :)

A lot has happened in the last 9 days, and it's been crazy to keep up with everything. This is definitely my breaking record of no-blogging. But like I said, it definitely feels good to blog again. It's kind of my one rock solid thing I do everyday. Something I know that I have to do whether I feel like it or not. I  mean, I do have a few more things that I do everyday, but this is definitely one of those very healthy things. It's like unloading my thoughts and starting off on a new clean slate, that's definitely what it feels like to blog everyday.

Well, lately I have entered into a season of friendship, I have a few people that I am pursuing and that are pursuing me back. I'm married, so I haven't had many friends lately, besides Mark and Heather, but now 2 other people really entered into my life, their names are Leah and Stacy. And it's just been a refreshing start. I've known the girls for a while, but we never really hung out. But we have become the closest of friends. And it's something I hold dear to my heart very much so.

So! Guess WHAT? Today is March 1st! (Well, maybe the morning of March 2nd), but either's SPRING! Crazy how fast Winter went by! Well, it's still technically Winter in Alaska, it only takes a couple of looks outside to decide that, there's still tons of snow outside and you'll probably freeze your butt of if you take a brisk walk outside, so no world, sorry to dissapoint, but according to Alaska, it is still Winter. BUT!!! The snow should be melted by the middle of next month! Whaa-hooo!!! :) So exciting! I LOVE LOVE LOVE ALASKAN SUMMERS!!! :)

So, you know, Spring is known as the "season of love," and you know what? I agree. It just is. There's something about the weather changing, and just things changing in your life that makes spring so wonderful.

But I think my most favorite season is the Winter Christmas season. The Christmas Holiday Season brings so much spirit, love, and happiness all over the world! I thoroughly enjoy it! But right now, I'm convinced that seasons of friendships are the best. :)

Well guys,

 I better get goin', I have lots of homework to do. Yes. That is never ending. So it seems. Even though it's for a class that I happen to like very much.

Love ya'll

-Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., I miss Mark, he left to Seattle on Sunday. He went to take care of a friend who is sick. Mark, you are surely missed, but I know that we'll have you back one day, so in the mean time, have a blast! :) Seattle! :)

And...Brian and I may or may not be foster parents (like I've said, lots has happened in the last 9 days, it's almost too much to keep up with). We went to foster parent training tonight. We have lots of paperwork to fill out. It's for a specific child. So..I'm excited, who knows what will only happen next?  :)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 133 "Chocolater thearpy is oh so good." PROMISES Messages

WOW! I can't believe I haven't blogged since the 17th! That's 5 days of no-blogging! How did I manage to ever do that? was fun! It was a declared "Snow Day." So there was no work! Yeah!

AND, today was kinda intense too...we picked a girl up that we know (Leah, me, & Stacy) that was going through a hard time, and we helped her out. We stopped by the grocery store and loaded up on chocolate, had a girls movie night, hair cutting night, and chocolate galore. It was fun and much needed.

So, Leah, Stacy and I also went to Chili's beforehand and we had some pretty great food! I ordered a warm hearty soup for the day, while the girls ordered mini-burgers. It was fun! I really needed that because I was in a bad mood, I don't know why...well maybe I do, but I really don't feel like talking about it...I was sorta depressed and sad a little bit. But now I am well. I feel so much better. AND I took a pretty good nap today! Yeah!

Well guys,

Hopefully I will not let "no-blogging" go as far as it has this past week. I hope to be a faithful blogger, and now it's time for beeeeddddd.

K guys,

Night nights! Sweet Dreams!

-Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., my friend Mark is leaving this week, Mark, I'm gonna miss you.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 132 "Believe the best in yourself." PROMISES Messages

Hey ya'll!'s quote rings true in my heart. It's something I've been struggling with lately, you know, the whole, believing in yourself thing...I have been feeling like such a failure lately, like I don't measure up to certain standards that I create in my frame of mind somehow...Well...I don't know, I guess I also have been comparing myself a lot lately as well! (That's a great self-esteem booster* (saying that sarcastically of course).Well...and I don't remember where, but I read either earlier today or yesterday about not comparing myself with others. Oh yes! That was today! And that was at Barnes and Noble....ok, so funny thing is that every time I go to Barnes to do homework (when I bring my homework), I end up reading anything and everything BUT my homework. Does that ever happen to you? Happens to me all the time! I am so easily distracted! Anyway... I've been comparing myself lately, and that just, needs, to, stop. Period. Hahaha, I forgot how exciting it is to use capital letters. What fun! :) There's all kinds of cool little tricks like these on this blog layout that I never really think twice about using, hmmm...maybe I should look into those things a little bit more. 

Anyway...I'm hoping to start with a little flame of hope in believing the best in myself. I tend to live by a theory that does exactly that for others, you know, believing the best in others, seeing the good in others, what my favorite thing about them is. So...I guess what I'm trying to say is...why not do that to myself? Why not believe the best in myself, and that the troubles and anxious things that I'm going through now are just little stumbling blocks that I WILL overcome? Why not be a little easier on myself? I sensed a "be easy on yourself," type of thing going on when I was praying, and that was my answer. :)

Well.. I guess I'ma be easy on myself and get to bed. :) So I can feel rejuvenated and alive tomorrow morning. lol. But no, for real. I need to just let things go, and realize, that each step that I am in is a beautiful process, and it is exactly that, a process. Rome wasn't built in a day, and it wasn't torn down in a day either.

Well ya'll

I'm going to bed!

-Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., Be easy on yourself. Give yourself the same level of compassion that you give to others. Step outside yourself and look at you. That's my little bit of wisdom. :)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 131 "Exercise your heart." PROMISES Messages

Hey guys!

 Wow! I haven't blogged for the past three days! I feel kinda lost when I don't blog! LOL!

It's been crazy busy lately, we had our biggest annual fundraiser for work this past weekend, and I'm behind in school work (reading assignments), and I've been crazy sore lately and a bit sick!

It feels like I'm being attacked from every corner. And I kinda feel like I'm a failure cause everything feels like it's spinning outta control.

My eye has also been irritated since last night. It's red and swollen. Not fun. Hurts to blink. I bought visine though, and my eye has been feel lots better.

Well...anyway, back today's quote. I had a dream a little while ago and it was very vivid and the message of the dream was very clear. I had this dream last Summer. And since I had this dream, I have not been able to shake it off. It's a story, a story of four friends, and their lives. would take forever to explain, but basically, the story line is that girls (or really anyone) should not waste their time on guys who make them feel inferior, less than, or kinda stupid, not smart enough, basically intimidated. And it's about moving on and pursuing greater things. A guy might be great, funny, ruggedly good looking, but if he makes you feel like you are less than, then in reality, he is not worth your time. So, that is going to be the message of the book I'm starting to write, which is based on my dream.'s a story about four friends, and two guys and two gals, one gal is in love with one of the guys, but he is clueless and has other "pursuits." And basically...the story just goes through their lives. And it's a positive story. Girls, and guys, if that one other person is truly meant to be yours, when you let them go, they'll come back to you. They'll return, you will be together. And if they don't, then they weren't really yours in the first place.

Well anyway, I've been telling myself since last summer that I would "someday" take the time to start writing this book, but today, I just sat down, and exercised my heart out by creating the characters and bringing their stories to life. I gave them descirptions. all begins. :) I guess blogging has been a pretty good thing for me so far because it has taught me to speak / think / write freely, and to do so in chunks at a time. I mean, wow! I'm on day # 131! How crazy is that? It just takes a couple of minutes a day, but in the end it's a great accomplishment. And so far, the journey has been great. :)

Well ya'll, I'm exercising the dreams in my heart, I am definitely exercising my heart. And you know what? Lately I've been laughing and cracking tons of jokes and making other people laugh too! That's quite a good exercise as well!

Well ya'll,

I think I'ma go drink some tea and sore off to dream land.

*Oh wait...* HOMEWORK......



Good night world,

Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., think positive thoughts and take 5 minutes (right now) to exercise your heart! Whatever that may be! :)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 130 "Cherish each Day - Take time to play." Mary / St. Petersburg, FL

Hey guys!

 Today has been a blah kind of day.

The day just didn't start out ever had one of those days? You know?

Yeah...It was just not my day. But I got through it! And I was a bit depressed today. But as a spur of a moment, when the day was done, for some reason Brian and I were just hanging out, talking to each other, and we got to talking about food, specifically salads, oh that right, he was telling me that he's been eating some tasty salads at the Ice Park lately, so the entire conversation spurred a late night trip to Fred Myer's in the hunt of a perfect salad. :) It was fun. We bought a lot of healthy fruits and snacks, and yes, of course Brian bought two mango rock stars, (he calls them the nectar of the Gods), lol.

Anyway, I love eating baby corn! So we bought some corn and kidney beans, black beans, romaine leaves, dijon honey mustard dressing, grapes, and raspberries! I am excited to eat all of those! Yum! :) And of course we bought the staple of our household, which are onions and potatoes! We've always gotta have those!

But anyway, late night trip to Fred's was our "time to play." And it was fun! :) You gotta love those type-a sporadic trips spurred by conversation. ;) They make life interesting! :)

Well ya'll, I guess I'm going to go something, possibly drink some tea, stretch, and go to bed.

Love ya'll!

-Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., What have you done lately that you would consider as your "time to play?"  :) (If nothing comes to mind, then go do something fun! Quick!)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 129 "Close your eyes and relax." PROMISES Messages

Hey ya'll!!

I was so tired this morning that I slept right through class! But I tell you what, I totally needed some extra shut eye time. And I'm definitely getting to that point again. I'm getting a headache. You know, I'm still trying to figure out my schedule. This is the official 3rd week of school, and third week of my new job...anyway...I'm just kinda going through a bunch of change. And it's a bit challenging...

I've been shutting my eyes lately to relax, I did that during lunch time. And it was much needed.

Anyway...I was going to blog a bit more, but I am actually extremely stressed because me and my husband got in a freakin' huge arguement just now.


-Your Fellow Chocolatier

I think I'm going to go close my eyes and relax.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 128 "Count your blessings not your worries." PROMISES Messages

Hey ya'll!

 Today was a good day, but a tiiiired one at that!

Boy, am I exhausted!

I am learning to count my blessings, I am realizing that life isn't exactly in my control, nor is it always the way that I want it to be or go. But that is okay. That is A-OKAY! Because you know what? There's a thrill that lies in the unknown. And it's an adventure. Who woulda known that I would be living in Alaska, attending the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, and be married all at the age of 22? Who woulda known? Seriously? It's an adventure! If you told me 7 years ago that I would be living in Alaska, I would have laughed.

So, I don't know, I guess what I'm trying to say is that life is unpredictable, and that we need to cherish each other and love each other, because you never know what will happen or when your time will be up. So simply live.

I am going to bed.

Goodnight World

Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., Count your blessings. :)

Brian and I just had a movie night tonight and we watched "The Truman Show." Cool. It was good. Brian has seen it before, but I haven't. Good movie.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 127 "Be a good listener." PROMISES Messages

Hey ya'll!!!

 I am so sleepy, I'ma hit the sack soon.

Today was a pretty good day. It was a much needed "at home" day.

Although it was the super bowl, I stayed home all day by myself and Brian was at work all day. But I thoroughly enjoyed my at home day. I feel refreshed. I mean, I work 6 days a week now, so it's good to just lounge around the house once in awhile.

I re-arranged some of the house today, specifically the living room and the kitchen, which in actually is pretty much one room. But nonetheless, it's our little home for now. :)

I moved a couple of chairs down stairs, and just re-arranged small stuff here and there, but it looks clean, and it feels like a new start. So that's good.

You know, lately today's quote has been running through my head. I am working on trying to listen to people more. Less of me and more of others. I think I like that concept.

Well guys...I guess one part of my listening was that a few minutes ago I was right about to go to bed withoug blogging because I'm so gosh darn tired, but Brian kept urging me to blog. So I finally caved in. I kinda felt like he was up to something, and sure enough, when I opened my computer up to blog, my screen saver was miraculously changed to a kissing monkey saying "kiss me."  LOL!!! That boy!


Off to bed I go.

Nighty night

Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

By the way, here's the picture of my new screen saver! LOL!!!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 126 "Change is a process, not an event." PROMISES Messages

Hey guys!

 This week has been sorta hectic for me! And I've been extremely exhausted. Did you know that I haven't blogged in 5 days? CRAZY, huh? I haven't gone this long without blogging since I started! I've been falling fast asleep and have been crazy busy. I am looking forward to a nice Sunday morning tomorrow! I am looking forward to sleeping in!!! YES I AM!!!

I'm not much of a super bowl goer, but I love the company, but I think that this superbowl I am just going to snooze.

You know...that last two weeks have been hectic with school starting and a new job starting all in one week. I'm still getting the hang of things, and I'm just not quite there yet, ya know? I work six days a week now, instead of four. I'm taking two classes and and working full time, it seems like I don't really have time for anything else. I am so tired. Oh boy, I just remembered that I have about 200 pages to read tomorrow! Pop Quiz on Monday!

I just actually opened my quote of the day about now, after I've already written about my day. And it all kinda fits together. It's a nice message to me, reminding me that change really is a process, not an event. Change is gradual and takes time to go through and get used to. So...I guess I just have to allow it to take place, yeah? Life in progress, a day at a time, a dove a day. Man. Even though that's such a simple concept, it's kinda hard to accept...because...I WANT CHANGE NOW!!! LOL!!! I really gotta slow down a bit and smell the flowers, or in this Alaskan's case, catch some snowflakes on my tongue!!! :)

Well ya'll, I'ma hit the sack.

Much Loves,


Monday, January 31, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 125 "Chocolate therapy is oh so good." PROMISES Messages

Mmmm...I agree!!!

Chocolate therapy is most certainly "oh so good!" As well as bath therapy, tea therapy, and sleep therapy. Definitely sleep therapy! Uh huh! I love me some good ol' sleep! :)

I am so stuffed right now, we ended the day with a trip to Denny's with Leah, Stacy, Brian, Alex, Walter, and John. It was fun. John, Walter, and Alex left to go watch a movie so grabbed some to-go plates (although they still ended up eating with us and they left their junk for us! LOL!). And then it was just me, Leah, Stacy, and Brian. We finished off the night and just had a good time.

The day started off early for me cause I went to Door of Hope to learn how to make coffee for work with Nick! He was a pretty good teacher. And I made a mean mocha! It was good! So, I am proud of myself! Whaaa-hooo! I now know how to make good coffee!

The day ended with The Well, music, food, and of course Dennys. And now...I am going to fall over and fall asleep. I am tired.


Gotsta go!

You know, I didn't do as much relaxing as I would have liked today, but it was a good day anyway!

Too - da - loo!

-Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., I also went to the UAF library and studied! I had some reading assingments that I had to read. So today was kind of a busy dizzy day. BED!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 124 "Close your eyes and relax." PROMISES Messages

Hey ya'll!

 I'm watching Bible stories with Brian. The t.v. ones. :)

Today has been a pretty good day. Went on a little shopping spree to Old Navy with my cousin, and afterwards she took me out to "AJMI Shushi." And it was gooooood!!! It's a new little only Sushi restauraunt! And it's delicious! I've never been to a strictly shushi joint, so it was fun! I just finished off my left over shushi! Yum! I've learned that I like the plain shushi best, you know, like the California rolls (which are probably my favorite). I ordered some spicy/crunchy sushi rolls, they were good but a bit too spicy. So Nina and I ended up trading dishes. :) Nonetheless, it was all pretty tasty!

After lunch, I picked up Brian and drove him to work, we got into a little tiff, but all is well now. :)

Because I almost overworked my 40 hour work week, I had to take a break, so my friend / co-worker and I drove to Chartreuse and took pictures of my artwork before it was taken down! That was fun! And I bought a pair of $25 dollar earrings there which I have been eye-ballin' since about August! They are beautiful! Very Hawaiian I might add, which is exactly what we need in this cold Alaskan winter! =P

Anyway, we took pics of my artwork and I'll post them up soon as promised! I was kinda bummed that one of my paintings was sold (the hummingbird one), because I didn't get a chance to take a picture of it, but I was happy that it got sold!

Anyway, I took a little break today. We just got a super comfy couch at work in the upstairs office, so after my 40 hours were up, I totally crashed on it, and it was niiiiiiiiiiiiicccce! :) I definitely took advantage of some relax time. :) That's the way to do it! :) You have to take a break once in awhile, I know I've gotta!

And I ended the day by rocking out with John on the stage! We were awesome! It was amazing!

And of course, Brian took me out to Ichiban, our favorite restaurant in town. It  was the perfect way to end the day!

The day went well, except for the tiff we had earlier, but we won't let that put a damper to our spirits!

Well, off to bed, early morning tomorrow (learning to make coffee from Nick). Learning to use the espresso machine for work!


-Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 123 "Do not waste a moment. Love Life." Deb / Helena, MT

Hey guy!

 Today was a great night!

The birthday party was so much fun! I had a blast! And my most favorite thing about the night was hearing everybody at there laugh. I had to step out to the ladies room, and on my way back, I heard a bunch of roaring laughter coming out of the main room and I saw a bunch of red faces and a bunch of smiles! That made my day! Knowing that everybody had a good time made me happy! I loved it! Although we didn't have much food (or variety of food, it was a smorgesboard of cakes and chips and salsa), I think that all had fun enjoying each
other's presence and sharing the laughter. Afterall, laughter is good for the heart! :) 

We had a lot of inside jokes come out of tonight, and I was just super happy to see everyone's faces. I felt loved. Knowing that I had so many friends that cared and seeing them there to celebrate my 22nd trip around the earth (my birthday), was just a big huge blessing. I definitely feel loved. I loved being around everyone. :)

Well guys,

I definitely loved life today, and I hope to say this about every single day for the rest of my life, no matter how crappy or how great!

AND I had a bunch of facebook birthday wishes written on my wall and I saved a bunch of fun birthday messages on my phone. I still have some saved from last year on my phone! LOL! They are precious! And they make me smile!

Well ya'll, have a good night!

Blessing to all!

-Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., for dinner tonight, at work, I made tuna melts and grilled cheese! The kids loved it!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 122 "Chocolate brings good things to life." PROMISES Messages

Hey ya'll!!!

 I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!! GUESS WHAT?!? In half an hour, at the stroke of midnight, I will no longer be 21 years old!!! I'm going to be an old fart! Hah! :) Actually, I'm pretty young, the older I get, the more convinced I am that 30 is actually quite young yet.

And forty isn't all that bad either, neither is 50, I guess I'm one of those, "love every season" type of people. :) I am like that with age, moments, and actual weather seasons.

I think that life is a beautiful thing, so you gotta take a day at a time and a moment at a time.

You know, I've always said that I want to be the type of grandma that can run and play with her kids. I definitely want to keep up a fit regime so that I can be healthy! I want to be an active parent and an active grandma! I don't want to sit on my butt! Although, we'll see where life takes me right? I hope for the best! :)

The ballet class that I'm taking is quite amazing by the way! I'm lovin' it! :)

Well has been a pretty good day but the night was kinda rocky. I work from 2-9pm, and I am the cafe manager, so we had a bunch of oranges and lemons that we picked up from the food bank last week, and they were starting to go bad, so today we made real lemonade (yum!), and we made orange juice...except...we did that all by hand, the lemons were easier cause we only had to cutt them once, but the oranges took about an hour and a half to squeeze the juice out of. They were a bit tricky because we had to cutt them a few times and pitt them. So two kids decided to volunteer their time to help me. They volunteered an entire hour to juicing the oranges...and when we were about 3 cups of juice away from of the kids named Lee decided to be a bit obnoxious by purposefully pouring his cup of water that he was drinking into our almost finished oragne juice....and so...we had to throw the orange juice down the drange...and you pretty much can guess how the rest of the night went down. All the kids that were around including those that were jucicing were mad a Lee, and Lee got kicked out for tonight and all day tomorrow. It was quite the stupid thing...but that's what happened.

I wasn't so much upset with the fact that he poured his water/spit/backwash into our orange juice as I was upset about how much work was put into juicing the oranges by the kids. That's what upset me, the disrespect.

Well...guys...I am going to bed!!! Well...maybe I'll drink some tea first! :)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!! (I'm counting down for the next 8 minutes!!!) Crazy!!!! I will be double trouble now! Twenty-two! Craziness!

***Thank you God for letting me live!!!

Goodnight ya'll!!!

-Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., Today, I indulged in a bit of chocolate for breakfast lol! Chocolate does bring good things to life!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 121 "Celebrate what you want to see more of." PROMISES Messages


Awww man, my eyes hurt so bad! My computer screen doesn't light up very well, so I have to squint my eyes to type pretty much everyday. I feel like I'm ruininng my eyes by constantly straining them, you know what I mean?

Well anyhow, today has been a pretty normal day I suppose. Very chill.

Ah! But wait! The exciting part of my day was that I had my very first Beginners Ballet class today! And it was a BLAST! I had so much fun! I felt very at peace, and strong! You know, although ballet doesn't require sweating moves such as Insanity or P90X or Karate, it is a slow stretching, muscle building, strength building type of sport. I mean, wow! I did have a lot of fun today, and I love all of the crazy fun classical music we listen to while we do ballet! I felt like I was in France today because of it! Haha!

Well, and of course, another interesting part of my day was that I made sloppy joes for the very first time and they were delish! Yay me! I was super happy! A couple of kids came back for 2nds, and one kid came back for thirds! It was funny! You know, I've come to the conclusion that kids like messy foods, simple foods, and pasta-rich foods. They also love tomato rich foods! A good example of all of that is "spahgetti," which I am making tomorrow! One kid even mentioned it after I thought of it! He's allergic to wheat, so he saw some rice noodles in the cabinet, and his eyes got all big and wide-eyed, and he said to me, "you know, you can use those noodles for spaghetti for me next time you make spaghetti for everybody. I like rice noodles." And he was super happy when he told me that too! It was sweet! And so then I looked at him and smiled and said, "well guess what, I'm making spaghetti tomorrow!" And he told me that he would try to be there! LOL! It was a fun moment. :)

Well...lately I've been a little more patient, and I also have been able to somehow miraculosly laugh at life's imperfections, usually I get upset and shut down for a bit, but lately, I've just been laughing everything off. And not just like a little laugh, but a full blown, that's hilarious type of laughter! And it's been great! I've gone from one extreme to the other. Not sure if that's good or not, but is feels good. It feels good to laugh rather than shlump! :) I feel so much more light-hearted and playful nowawdays! I don't know, but lately, in these past couple of days, especially yesterday (although I had a pretty crappy night yesterday), I have seen a positive change in myself. It's been kind of a liberating, freeing, a good kind of careless type of change. Like a no-fear of man type of change. You get what I mean? I feel more confident in just being myself! And that is something I would like to see myself doing more often. I am celebrating myself, the process of accepting myself, and liking myself. I thought I liked myself, but now I realize that I was kind of in the side lines, I wasn't really all that kind to the person of who I am, at least, not really. I've just been finding out more about myself lately, and I have been accepting of myself more than I have ever before, and it feels great. I'm learning things about myself, what I like, what I don't, who I am, what I stand for, what matters, what doesn't, what things I need to shrug my shoulders to and let go of, what and who I need to forgive, including myself. I am not perfect, but I am perfectly me, and this year, I hope to celebrate that even more, and I hope to celebrate that by lots of laughter! I love laughter! So I hope I experience it much more often!

I am excited! ARe you? :)

Well, night night guys!

Sweet dreams! Too-da-loo! :)

-Love Your newly acquainted with oneself Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., I challenge you to stand up in front of the mirror sometime very soon and say Hi to yourself, and notice yourself outside yourself! Notice you from an outsider's point of view, as a person. :) Be kind. :) In fact, I dare you to that right now! Turn your computer off, and go find a mirror and wave hi to yourself! (You might want to do this in the bathroom, by yourself, so it won't appear as though you have an imaginary friend, lol, or you can, whatever...sometimes, imaginary friends are cool too! lol)

Well guys!

Have at it! ***NOtice yourself from another's eyes***, some say, *Look at yourself through God's eyes."

So, take a look! And tell me, what do you see?

I was looking for eye pictures and I found this on somebody's page; "God wants you to know… that when you feel down, look at yourself through God’s eyes. There are times when no matter how hard you try, you just cannot accept yourself as you are. During such times, think of how you look to God’s eyes. In God’s eyes, there is no judgment, there is only acceptance. God sees your light when all that you can see are your shadows. God loves you more than anyone could ever love you as you really are."

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 120 "All the world's a stage, be a star!" PROMISES Messages

Tell you what!

I definitely don't feel like a star right now! I'm having a pretty crappy night!

GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so freakin' frustrated right now!!!! BAHHHH!!!!

Well...I guess this writing is semi-theraputic. I think sleep will be even more theraputic. Everybody has pretty crappy days and nights though right? I know that I am. And you know what the funny thing is? Is that I am the culprit of my own problems. I see myself creating a super storm of problems and my attitude runs to home base with them. If only I could control my thoughts and actions. I used to be able to easily, but somehow...over the course of the last couple of months, my nerves and patience has run short. Its sucks. Gahhhhh!!!!

WEll...I guess I am a work in progress, and I am working on getting back to the healthier, more balanced, patience part of me. Lord knows I am definitely a work in progress. LOL! Ay-ya-yai!

Well...Today was day numero uno of my acting class. It went pretty well. We went over the class syllabus, learned each others' names through silly ice breaker games, and got out early. Which reminds me since I'm typing about my class that I need to go buy my acting books. Yes. We have assigned reading, and quite a bit actually, but I don't mind much at all because it's all about acting, and lately I've been trying to get my hands on any acting material that I could possibly find.

Well guys,

I better get to bed. I am plain cranky. Just ask my husband. You's a wonder of families and spouses stay together when they get to see the best AND the worst sides of a person. It's really quite a miracle I should say.

Anyway...I should probably go ask for forgiveness and probably forgive myself and go to bed with a peaceful conscience and mind, and heart including.

Well peeps,

I am off to bed.

-Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., never take vengeance into your own hands, it belongs to God and God alone.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 119 "A chain is only as strong as it's weakest link." PROMISES Messages


I did not get today's quote! My husband man had to explain it to me! Don't make fun of me! =D

It took me a little while to get it too. Haha.

Hmm...this makes me think of community. The chain concept reminds me of the word community which is among some of my most favorite words. Community is a beautiful thing / idea. When people come together for a common purpose, it creates a co-unity, which is community! And it's amazing when everybody works together to create a safe, strong, and healthy community! I love it! I love that the entire world centers around some sort of community! One or another, a community is a part of our daily lives, in fact, that's what makes up our lives, is the relationships that we are in. We live for each other, we serve each other, we celebrate our birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, and we comfort each other at funerals and tragic events. We co-habitate. We live in a community. The entire world is made up of communities. It's just SO BEAUTIFUL! I'd have to call it "All the peoples of the World." Infact, I think I might just plaint a painting called exactly that! "Light bulb!" :)

Well, I believe in empowerment, encouragement, enablement, and healing, and I favor love. :) I enjoy human relationships and think that they are among the most beautiful things that exist on this planet. Sometimes, we become weak, and when we're weak, we break, just like the link on the chain. And when the link breaks, that link affects the entire chain. And so it is in our lives. Each life is like an individual link connected in a big chain, and when a link breaks or is weakened, the entire chain (community) weakens. When we lose a loved one, our chain is broken, and all of the other individual links are affected and are not as strong as they used to be, they no longer make up the same chain. And so we are. Each of us has a beautiful mission in life. YOU ARE BORN WITH REASON AND PURPOSE. AND YOUR LIFE IS IMPORTANT. YOUR ARE NOT A PROBLEM, YOU ARE A SOLUTION TO THIS WORLD, OUR WORLD. AND WE NEED YOU. YOU ARE A LINK, AND WITHOUT YOU, THE CHAIN IS WEAKEND.

So don't give up. Whatever you are going through, know that you are loved, and you live in a community of people, a chain. And you were born into a chain called family. And you add more links as you go along, called friends. So when you break or weaken, the rest of us are affected and we are no longer as strong as we used to be. You are needed and wanted, because without you, the entire chain is affected like a ripple effect. You are an important link. You bring a uniqueness and strength to the chain, so if you need any help, let someone in your family or let one of your friends know what is going on. Let us help you. Let us love you. And let us ask you for forgiveness if we need to. But don't give up, because you are needed and loved. YOU, my dear friend, are a link, and together, we make a strong and beautiful chain. Don't give up friend, keep pressing on.

Well, that's all I have to say.

-Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 118 "Carve out a little moment for yourself." PROMISES Messages

Hey guys!

 Boy am I fighting sleepiness right now to blog! It was EXTREMELY tempting not to blog again tonight. But I really dislike procrastinating, so despite my sleepiness, I think that this is good. It's one day that I'm less behind.

Well anyway, since I started the Cafe Manager position, I've been extremely tired because unlike my other front desk job which was mentally challenging, this cafe job is more physically challenging. The first day I didn't take a break at all, my feet are so swollen and my neck and back hurt. Ouch. That's definitely a negative for this job. I need to invest in a great pair of shoes. And my hands are super dry from over-washing, since I work in a kitchen all day. But other then all of that, I like the job because I love cooking and I love getting the kids involved in the cooking process. So far we've baked some goodies every night after dinner. And I've had lots of kids volunteer to help cook and even clean! Yeah! How cool is that? LOL! It's awesome!

Well guys, I'm going to bed. And today I made sure I had at least a half an hour sitting break, that's something that I carved a little moment out for myself. While the community service chick was washing the floor and the other community service kid was doing the dishes and singing outloud in the most gorgeous voice ever (I told him he should try out for American Idol, gotta represent!! We need an Alaskan out there!), I took a nice little seat and just took the time to R E L A X...and guess what? It was exactly what I needed because then I was able to take on the rest of the day! PERFECT!

All in all, it was a pretty gosh darn good day!

We made Mini - Philly Cheese Stakes on toasted kaiser rolls, french fries, mozzarella sticks, salad, coconut cake, and peanut butter chocolate bars & vanilla pudding left overs from yesterday! It was yummy! And we also made lemonade! A couple of girls helped me out. We were rockin' it!!! :) We had a handful of kids come back for seconds. One kid said, "Can I have more? That was bomb!" LOL!!! :)

Well, I am going to bed!

-Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., Today I kicked a kid out because he was saying inappropriate things and I caught him! And I mean, it was an inappropriate joke, but a life - threatening one! He kept repeating it to one of the girls, I tracked him down, told him to call his parents, told the front desk to keep any eye on him and for him not to slip out until his parents got there so I could talk with them, and then I talked with him heart to heart. He's mostly a good kid, and I let him know that he is, but I also let him know that what he did was intolerable and if it was any other kid, I would have done the same exact thing to that kid too. He understood, he apologized, and he even apologized to the girl that he was threatening!

Well...after three years of working at Joel's Place...that was definitely a first for me! Kicking a kid out! Hopefully it won't happen too often! I love all of them, and I hope they know that!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 117 "Liberate yourself from your secrets." Patricia / Southaven, MS

Today was day number one of my new job, and I had a pretty good time, except that I was standing on my feet the entire time. I didn't really like that. But it'll have to do for now. I cooked a lot!

Well anyway...lately, I've been re-visiting the past...which I probably shouldn't do, but it's actually been a healing process because if I talk about my past, then I am able to get healed. So, I've been talkin'.

Short blog. Tired.

Love ya'll


-Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., I just took a green tea relaxing. Just what I needed.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 116 "Be playful with your love." PROMISES Messages

Hey guys...

 Today has been one heck of a day. One heck of a depressing day. I was super down today, right now my eyes are all swollen from crying and I have an ear splitting headache. I haven't been this depressed in almost 5 years. It brought back a lot of memories and feelings going through that today...

I feel lots better right now, all thanks to my encouraging husband.

So, things are looking better now. I hate the feeling of hopelessness. I am not a fan.

Well guys,

I think I'm going to bed soon, classes start tomorrow.

So, I think I'm going to mess with my husband, you know, pull a few pranks here and there, we have a very playful relationship that way, when we prank each other. :) He calls me turkey butt and I call him boogie. I know, quite endearing terms aren't they? Haha.

On the other hand...I might just go straight to bed, that's super tempting. But I think I need a good laugh. He hates it when I pinch him. So I might have to start a war...  :)

Goodnight guys!

-Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., I hope you've had or are having a much better day than I had!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 115 "Believe the best in others." PROMISES Messages


 That's amazing! I was just thinking exactly about this quote before I opened it! (I was pondering over the concept). Lately I have been opening my Dove Chocolates right before I blog, I really should start opening them up in the beginning of the day like I used to, that way I can reflect on the quote throughout the day.

But so far, this is how it's been working out, late night.

Anyway, last night I didn't blog because I spent the night at my grandma's house in Delta! I found out that my cousin hooked up the internet over there late last night, but I was already too tired. But that's good to know! No more "no blogging" excuses right? Right! :)

So, I'm switching jobs, still working at the same place, but now I am going to be the Cafe Manager and I'm going to be cookin' dinner everyday! Cool huh? :) I'm pretty excited! Tomorrow is my last normal day for my front desk job, and then off to cookin' I go!!! Yeah! I'm pretty excited about messing with food! I find it quite fun. :)

Well anyway, Monday and Tuesday (today), was pretty much my last days off for awhile because I have to train others to take over the front desk and I'll be busy getting into the swing of things with this new job, and on top of that, school starts this Thursday! Crazy, huh? :) I'm pretty excited, I'm taking beginners ballet and acting 101!!! And I might throw in an art class...we shall see. Hummm... :)

Well, the reason I drove down to Delta is to get a free haircut! My auntie owns a hair salon in Delta and she is A M A Z I N G!!! She is such a great hair stylist! I got a haircut and extensions, I didn't get my hair dyed like I planned (cause I dropped by last minute and we kept missing each other's phone calls), but my hair look great anyway! At first I wasn't quite so sure about my hair, cause usually she cuts it dry, but this time around she cutt it wet, so I think she may have cutt more than expected. So basically, I got what you would call a "modern mullet." At first, I was kind of not sure about it. But that's how it always is with me, anything new takes me awhile to get used to and then I end up loving the change a hole lot. :) I actually love my modern mullet, it has such great punk rock personality and it's very versatile. It wasn't what I was expecting to get, but now I have it. It looks kinda Anyway, I'll try to post a pic of my new hair on here so you can be the judge for yourself! How about that? :) Which reminds me, I need to go to the Chartreuse tomorrow to take pictures of my painting before they get taken down! They've almost been hanging up there for an entire month! Cool! :) A couple of people have come up to me and they have encouraged me to keep pursuing art because they say I have a talent. That was definitely very encouraging! :) Now I just gotta figure out how to get painting canvases for cheap!

Speaking of cheap...we hung out (Brian & I) with our friends Stacy & Tyler tonight and we had a blast! (Besides Brian choking on his rock star which was super scary by the way), we deifnitely had a great time playing Phase 10 (which took FOREVER), we ended up quiting early and then started a movie and ate some Moose Tracks ice cream! Speaking of Moose, on the way to get my hair cut this morning I saw 24 Moose hanging out in a field! At first I thought they were horses or bulls, and then I realized it was an open field and when I looked closer, it was a bunch of Moose! CRAZY!!! A whole 24 of 'em!!! Wow! You know, I don't think that Moose herd together like that, so it was definitely an interesting sight! Anyway, back to the story...we ate some super yummy white sauce pizza, some fresh cutt veggie salad, and sunchips! We just had a blast tonight! And we finished the night with a movie, we watched "Double Jeapardy!" It was fun! I forgot about a love scene in the movie, so while that was going on the screen, Stacy said "mommy is killing daddy" and when she said that, Brian busted out laughing with his mouth full of the rock start energy drink, which he ended up inhailing in the wrong way...and it was scary, at first we thought he choked lightly and was following with laughter, so we were laughing along with him, and then we soon came to realize that he was actually heaving and choking. He later told me that he was about to tell us to call an ambulance. It was bad, and it freaked the heck out of all of us. But thankfully he recovered and we ended the night in a fun way. :)

So...back to what I started with, tonight Stacy introduced me to this super cool website called, and it's a website for cheap priced, great quality make up!!! It's amazing!!!!! They sell stuff for a dollar on there! I would stronly recommend this site! P.S., they also have a FREE SHIPPING deal going on 'till the 24th of January! Anyway, this site is great! I'm going to start ordering stuff from there! She showed me the make up she bought from there, and it's pretty great stuff! I am most definitely converted! Me, I am a bare minerals type of gal, and a little jar of bare minerals usually costs me $25.00, well, on they have mineral make up for $5 dollars a jar! And it's the same stuff and has even been compared to bare minerals! AND, I felt their make up brushes, and they are sooooooo much more softer than the ones bare minerals has! I am definitely converted!!!

Well guys, lately I've been reminding myself of something that my grandpa used to say all the time, he used to say, "look for the good in people, because there's already so much bad in the world, and we had so much bad in us, so whenever your around somebody, always look for the good in them."

And that quote has defintely stuck with me. We really do have enough bad, and you know what? I really don't want to nor do I have the time to focus on the bad stuff in life. So I really do try to look for the bright side. So I will believe you and give you the benefit of the doubt before I doubt you, atleast I try.

So, I was thinking about all of the women in my life, and how strong each and every one of them are, they possess their own unique strengths, and I am just thankful for them, I am thankful for their beautiful lives, and for their specific strengths and abilities, and I can list a bunch of women on here, my friends, my aunts, my cousins, my grandma, my mom, and I can list all of the positive and admirable things about them on here...and there is just SO much!!! :) I am grateful for knowing such women.

Anyway...I believe the best in others, and lately, I've been makinga it a point to do so.

Well guys,

I am going to drink some more tea, maybe snack on a little somethin' somethin' and then head off to bed because guess what?! I have an orthodontist appointment for my braces in the early morn at 9:30 am!!!

I am excited about getting braces! :)

Well guys


-Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., When I was coming home from Delta today, I decided to stop mid-way to go to the bathroom because I had to pee really bad so I pulled into the "Salcha Market & Gas Station," and on pulling in, I pulled in slowly too, I don't know what happened but my car ran into the ditch. Now it wasn't a deep ditch, about 4 feet deep, but not like 10 feet or anything, but it was definitely shocking, because it felt like the ditch jumped out of nowhere. I think what happened is that it was getting dark and unusually foggy around that area because it was a bit hard to see so I ended up overestimating how wide the turn was, and I ended up in the ditch. So it took me around 10 minutes to get out, I was reving my car up in front of a trailer that was next to the gas station. Next thing I know a man walks up to me and asks me what happened, turns out it was the owner of the gas station, and I was tearing up his yard, (his trailer), but he was joking about it. So he asked me if I needed help getting the car out of there and if I had four-wheel drive, and so he drove the car out. I told him I was sorry all of that, he said, "oh no problem, it actually happens about once a day." So that made me feel a lot better knowing that!! LOL!!! It's just a steep turn, and if you overestimate it, you'll be in the ditch. It was good to get help! :) And then of course I used their bathroom, thanked them again, and was on my way driving carefully from there on out. :)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 114 "Take care of your wonderful body." Sheila / Winston-Salem, NC

Hey ya'll!!!

 Today has been a gosh darn pretty good day.

I tell ya what though, I am tired, and am about to fall asleep, but I don't want to cause Mark is here and I LOVE hanging out with Mark! :) But that's okay, if I REALLY want to go to bed, I'll just go to bed. Brian and Mark can hang out in the living room. :)
One of the messages that's been hitting me up lately or one that I've been hearing lately is to "take care of my body." And you know, I've been making an effort to do so! It's been fun!

I bought a book called "The World's Best-Kept Beauty Secrets." -What Really Works in Beauty, Diet and Fashion." By Diane Irons. And you know what? This book has some pretty good stuff!

Here's an excerpt from the book; (I've been following this, I do the milk stuff, you'll know what I mean in a minute)


"The first rule of beautiful skin is to stop overcleansing it. This is an unneccessary habit, especially true of owmen in this country. Unless you've been up all night digging ditches (you poor dear!), your face is not dirty. Your morning routine should be nothing more than reactivating last night's moisturizer with a splash of warm water or milk. Why milk? Milk is a lactic acid and will allow your face to receive a natural acid treatment.

Please be aware that many of the acids on the market today are synthetic acids that have caused problems with some women. There have been reports of everything from sensitivity rashes to permanent scarring. Be careful of the chemical acids you use, and when you can, substitue nature's acids in your cleansing routine. In addition to milk, consider these natural acids:

1. Pineapple juice
2. Lemon juice
3. Tomatoes
4. Most citrus fruits

So yeah...the whole milk thing is something I've been doing lately (except I'm outta milk right now, ran out yesterday), and it's been working great! My face feels sooo soft and supple afterwards! And it takes about 2 minutes for it to dry, but there is not sticky residue left over afterwards! It works great! I'm lovin' it! :)
Well guys,

I think I headed off to dream land!


-Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., I cleaned the entire living room today! Score! And I spoke at The Well tonight! That was fun! And Mark came over afterwards and hung out with me and Brian! Double score! :) Yah!!!

Goodnight! :)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 113 "Close out the world for just a moment." PROMISES Messages

 Ahhh, BIG sigh of relief.

...This is just the perfect and exact quote that I needed to hear. It's actually kinda of quite wonderful. Today has been somewhat of a stressful day, lots to do, lots of commotion, just a lot of stuff. Work was crazy to  say the least. We probably had over 50 kids today, definitely around 35-40 at one time. And there were only  3 staff people for atleast half the day, and then we got more help gradually as the day went on. But today was definitely crazy. So right now, I just want to close the world and it's expectations out for a moment, take a few deep breaths, and actually R E L A X.

I might just go ahead and drink a cup of dark hot chocolate.

Well guys,

I am getting off this computer. I am going to close the world out for a moment. I think I need it.

Have a restful night full of sweet and wonderful and adventurous dreams!

-Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., So happy that it's the weekend! :)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 112 "Be good to yourself today." PROMISES Messages

Hi guys,

 I'm going to keep this short. I am super pissed off right now. I've had a somewhat stupid day and to top it all off, my blood is boiling from an argument I had with my husband.

Anyway...I am just extremely frustrated.

And I just want everyone to leave me alone. I need some me time.

So I'm going to get off and go have some me time, I'm not quite sure what I'll do, but I need to relax. I am highly stressed out right now. I think I might go take a warm bath or something, or drink some tea and go to bed.

...Also...yesterday I had some heart problems...I had what felt like a mild heart attack. IT WAS SCARY. I was laying down resting when it happened. It was extremely painful and I have never experienced anything like it before. It wasn't growing pains or anything like that. But it came suddenly, I was completely relaxed and trying to take a nap when it happened. And it was sooo painful.  =(  My chest and should hurt and were full of tension too. I scheduled a clinic appointment, and they said that they weren't sure what it was. And if it happens again..I will have to get an me being stressed out right now is not a good idea. It might be acid from gas or food...or it might actually be something a lot more serious. So we will find out.

I am going to go to another room...I am being highly bothered right now.


-Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 111 "Every moment is part of your precious life - live!" Elizabeth / Raleigh, NC

Hey loves!

 Wow, today's quote just kind of struck me. Every moment is definitely a precious part of your life, my life, so let's live! This quote just kind of sets me back, and by that I mean that it takes me out of the here an now, and makes me realize a bigger a better picture. I mean, each human only has about 80-100 years on their life. We're not here by accident, and we're not here really, every little moment, every minute, and every second is something that we shouldn't take for granted. These things matter. Life matters. Crap happens, but it's important to remember to live. Because it's your life, and it's you, and time is precious.

...So what are you giving your time to? Because one day it will run out...

Is what your living for worth dying for? What are you spending your time on? Are you getting caught up on stupid stuff, or do you keep the important things in life in focus? I'll let you decide what those are. But I'll give you a hint, they have to do with relationships. ;) Families, husbands, fill in the blanks. There are a few more then what I listed too.

Well guys,

I love ya'll!!

Sweet dreams!

-Love Your Fellow Chocolatier :)
P.S., I'm bought this book from Barnes today and I just can't put it down!!! It's such a fun read! I'm a sucker for at-home remedies and nutritional facts! Boy oh boy! There are some fun facts in this!

But anyway, this is probably a well-known fact or one that you've probably heard of before, but I love it.
For a natural tooth cleaner use; 3 tablespoons of baking soda and 2 table spoons of sea salt, mix 'em together and you've got yourself some inexpensive natural toothpaste! Cool eh? Just don't swallow it!

I've made myself the mix and am going to test it out for a week. But so far, so good! I tried it tonight and I like it. A bit salty, yes. But cleanses good. I got me some pearly whites! :) Oh, and another good tip is to dip your floss in peroxide and floss your teeth with it. Discoloration begins in the cracks between your teeth first, and doing the whole peroxide things whitens that specific area. Cool, eh? :)



Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 110 "Take chancesand risks - they are worth it." Robin / Mount Holly, TX

Hey guys!

Today's quote is my number 1 repeat quote! And I thought that it was very timely. :)

I'm thinking of switching jobs. I mean, I'll still be working at the same place, but instead of being the administrator, I will be the Cafe Manager. And you know what, I'm really considering doing this. I think I will like it. I think it's timely and opportune. So I think I'm going to take the risk! :)

The position pays more and will allow me to get creative with food (which is what I love to do!)

So, I better march right up and take it. At least through the Summer.

But I'm actually pretty excited! I think that this will be great!

Well, say a prayer to me if you think of me. There's lots of decisions that I need to make in the next upcoming week. Lots of change.

Well guys,

Hope you have a restful night

-Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., What chances and risks have you taken lately? :)

P.P.S., Brian and I are watching "Laugh Your Way To a Better Marriage." IT'S GREAT!!! WE LOVE IT!!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 109 "Calories only exist if you count them." PROMISES Message

Craziness! Craziness!! CRazineSs!!!

Hi guys!

 Today has been a stay at home kind of day. That's what Brian and I ended up doing. I stayed at home 'cause I'm sick and I don't feel well. He stayed at home because he wanted to hang out with me. I've got myself a pretty nice husband. Most days. ;) Just playin'. He's a good one.

Well..I told myself that I was going to go to sleep more than an hour ago...but now it's 10 minutes away from 5am...and I am tired, but not  quite sleepy yet. has been miserable. I've been sneezing right and left and have had snot running down my nose the entire day. I don't even remember much of what I did today, but I do remember drinking a whole lotta tea. I guess my memory doesn't serve me too well while sick.

Brian and I had a little tiff and then worked it out. (I guess that's bound to happen when you're stuck together in a tiny space for around 24/7 hours). But all is good. And we pretty much ended the night with Gin Rummy (not sure if that's spelled correctly or not). Yeah. Brian taught me how to play. I didn't think that I would like it, but I actually thoroughly enjoyed it. I wouldn't mind playing again. Fun game. :)

But man! Today's quote is probably by far my most favorite one so far!! Ha! :) "Calories ONLY exist IF you count them." Notice I what words I capatalized. ;)  I couldn't agree even more. This little quote wins the nobel prize with me. Hah! :)

Actually...I remember that around my 8th grade year, calorie counting had become this huge fad...and was splattered all over the place. Celebs were doing it, the news was speaking it, and school health class was teaching it. It basically freaked everybody out. Everyone was consumed by counting those little bits of energy that food gives. It was crazy. Why the heck would you count? Just eat it! If you like it. Eat it. That's my theory. If you like it, eat it because if you don't, then there's really not need in eating it. Come people, food is an enjoyment. And I'm not saying go binge of cookies and ice cream for an entire week straight, I'm talking about moderation. Yes. Healthy moderation. The key is balance. If you eat foods that are good for you, and that are healthy, and you balance out the goods from the bads, then you're in good hands. And something sweet once a day, not too big, is perfectly okay to eat. Just a portion. I mean, reward yourself. Ya know? :) Or once a week, it's all up to you.

Me, I am on the Sea Food diet ...I SEE food and I eat it. :) Well, I don't eat EVERYTHING. "Cause I don't like everything, I like the foods that I like, and I keep a balance between healthy, moderate, and tasty but not the best for you. :) But mostly I eat very healthy and that's because I LOVE eating healthy food. It tastes better to me. So I eat what I like. Between the calories you burn throughout the day, and sleeping at night, you end up burning quite a bit. And if you exercsise, you have to supplement the energy (calories) lost with more energy. Yes guys, calories = energy. In fact, every time you think calories, just erase that word from your memory and put energy. 'Cause that's what it is. since calories mean energy, then your body is like a fuel tank. And the calories are it's fuel. It's what you live on. Think of your body as a car and food is gas / fuel. Now, you don't want to put cheap fuel in your car all the time...cause it will mess / break down easily. But if you give it the good stuff, then you'll keep it running longer. So, same with your body. Good food full of nutrients will keep your body healthy longer (keep your car runnin' longer). So, treat your body right. Eat. And eat whatever you like, and eat in moderation. The whole enjoyment in food is taste. So why eat something you don't like, right? I mean, ya, you can go all vegan (nothing against vegans),  and forego your taste buds, but then you're kinda missing out on a big chunk of life. So...I guess it's all up to you. But calories only exist if you count them. You know, you even burn calories while sitting on the couch just watching t.v. Your body runs on calories. Without them, you won't be alive.

K. I think I've lectured you enough. Probably partially to my sleepiness. I tend to ramble when I'm tired. So sorry about that. :)

Love you guys!

God bless you!

-Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 108 "Act on your dreams." PROMISES Message

Hey guys!

 GUESS WHAT?!? I had my very first "First Friday" event tonight! I had 10 art pieces (paintings) hanging up in the gallery. Whoo-hooo! Yeah! I'm happy.

It was a whole lotta fun! I enjoyed it. Four of my 10 paintings sold! Yeah! And that was in the first 2 hours of the event! How cool is that!? My paintings will be hanging up at Chartreuse for the rest of the month. I think I might do another First Friday next month. I don't know, but I'm suddenly excited to create, create, and create. :)


Well, for the entire year of 2010, I had 'have my own "First Friday Art Gallery" written down as a goal / dream / to - do. So it was finally cool to have one. And I totally did not expect to be the featured artist! I'm what you call a "closet artist." Man! That was a blessing! To have an entire gallery all to myself! Wow! That was definitely unexpected! Good things I had 10 paintings handy! :)

Well anyway, today was a pretty great day full of great opportunities.

I guess it's time for me to go to bed. I am cranky, tired, and sick.

I might be coming down with a virus. Hopefully not. Hopefully this soar throat will go away.


Goodnight lollies and jellyspoons. :)

-Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., My high school teacher was art my art show and she bought one of my paintings! (I missed her by an hour, usually there's a small crowd in the beginning (5 o'clock), but when I showed up at 6, the place was hoppin!' So I missed her by an hour, but she let the other girls know that she "had to buy a painting."  :) Cool huh?

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 107 "Courage is grace under pressure." PROMISES Message

Hey guys!

 Long time no see! (Or blog!)  :)

Sorry about not blogging, it's been crazy busy the last two days. One day I was busy, the other I was sick and slept through blogging. Gee, the 365 days in a row isn't quite working out as I thought it would be. But that's okay! As long as I am not purposefully and willingly procrastinating, then we're all good, right? I guess I'll just leave it at that. You know, it even feels weird not blogging for a whole 48 hours! It's weird! It's just so much a part of my life you know? It's crazy. I feel like I can't express myself. It's sorta like every night, before bed, I spill my guts out on through typing up this blog and I just let out the thoughts bouncing around in my head for that day. And after I blog, I feel a sort of freedom to start with a fresh slate of thoughts the next day. :) Ever had one of those nights where your body is telling you to go to sleep but your mind races with thoughts one after another? I've seldom had that problem since starting this blog! It's just exactly as I said, it's like spitting everything out and starting a new slate every night. It works quite well, actually. :)

So, today has been crazy busy at work. Not our regular youth center busy, but cleaning busy. You see, tomorrow the governor of Alaska, Sean Parnell, is going to visit our youth center! How cool is that, eh? Very! So he'll get to see what we're all about and what we do everyday, and we might get funded! So that's very neat! And I've been scurrying to get my paintings done. This Friday for "First Friday," (city wide art event on every first Friday of the month when different local shops and galleries open up their store and let local artists hang their paintings / art there and do consignment where the store / shop / gallery gets 50% off of your painting if someone gets it, and you get the other 50%), I am going to have 10 of my paintings hanging up at Chartreuse! Yah! How cool is that?! And guess what?!!!? I'm going to have the entire store to myself! That means that I am the only featured artist! WHAT?! I had no clue! I thought there were going to be other art pieces up along mine. I guess not! Well, that's pretty exciting! So now I can say that I am truly going to have my own art gallery! That is wayyy cool! I am excited and a bit nervous! I hope that people will like my paintings! I am a new up and coming artist. As soon as I get pictures of all my paintings, I'll post them up here for you guys to see! :)

Well, that's that. I probably should get to bed. Very soon. It's 5:25am. Yes, I know, late, (or early? Depending on how you look at it!) =P


Tonight, Brian and I stopped by subway. And while we were in subway, I saw a man limping and he had a cast / bandage around is knee. And when he sat down to eat his sandwich, you could tell that it hurt to move his leg. So as Brian and I were sitting there. I had heard that still small voice that said, "go pray for that man over there, lay your hand  on his knee and pray for him." I was like...ahahaha. REaLLy? ...and of course, even thought it took me five minutes to get up...I went over to the man and asked him if I could pray for his knee. And he said yes. And so I did. And afterward, he said thank you.

And then Brian and I walked back to the car and drove home.

You know, I don't know the outcome of what happened, don't know if his knee was healed on the spot or if he felt any better or anything really. But I knew that that's what I needed to do. And so I did.

Who knows? Maybe I'll run into him one day. And I guess we'll see won't we now? But I believe that his knee is going to be / or was healed!

All I know is that I walked away feeling blessed and happy. I'm glad I didn't run away from this opportunity. Sometimes, even though it's kinda weird, strange, and awkward, it pays to listen to that still small voice. :) Ya'll know what I'm talking about. Hint hint. :)

Well, I am off to bed.

-Love Your Fellow Chocolatier! :)

P.S., COURAGE IS GRACE UNDER PRESSURE!!! Boy is that the truth!! :)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 106 "Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it." PROMISES Message

Hey guys!

 Today has been an good day but an unexpected day. Brian and I woke up and went to Door of Hope church, it was pretty good. I like that church it's very chill and family like. And then we came back home and slept until 5:30...then we woke up and went to the Well. :) Yeah, our sleeping schedule is all messed up. Thank goodness it's winter vacation! Haha! :)

Well, I ended up sharing some personal things at The Well that I wasn't expecting to share, but I did, and you know, when you share things that are hard and when you are vulnerable with others, a beautiful thing happens, it's called healing. I love it. When you let others know you open up the opportunity to let others help you thourgh your tough times. And that is ghe beauty of it. You are never alone in what you are going through, take comfort in knowing that others are going through the same thing as you if not worse, and that there are people out there waiting with open arms to love on you and accept you in your messy-ness.

Well guys,

 Today has definitely been a day of boldness for me. And the result is pretty magical.

I hope you guys are having a great day, and I hope that if you're having a tough time, that you'll let others close to you know what you're going through that way you don't have to face the world alone. :) Be bold. It's magical.

-Love Your Fellow Chocolatier :)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 105 "A hundred men may make an encampment, but it takes a woman to make a home." PROMISES Message

Hey guys!

 Today has been a pretty special day! I stayed home, (day off) and pretty much just honestly relaxed all day. I actually feel truly rested. That in itself is a very rare thing. I just feel rested and happy. Granted I didn't finish all that I had set out to do today, I had a pretty fantastic day. Brian was at Ice Alaska teaching other fellow volunteers how to work stuff on the computer, so I didn't see him for more than half of the day. And when he came home, he surprised me by wanting to take me out to Denny's. But I just ate right before he came home, so instead, we decided to go to Cold Stone's, eat some yummy ice cream, and then catch a movie with the free tickets we got as Christmas presents. Originally I had not planned anything for today except for a little cleaning here and there such as laundry, so today was a treat. I liked going out. It was fun. And of course, after Cold Stone we stopped by Taco King because we had some time to kill, and we decided to call Mark and see if he would like to come to the movie with us. And so we snagged him to watch the movie with us. All three of us had a blast. It was just a lot of fun. We love hanging out with Mark. Hey, anythin with movies or food, I'm definitely there. One person was missing however, and that would be Heather. Next time, we'll have to snag her along too. :) We'll just have to kidnap her and take her away from her busy-ness. :)

Well, today has definitely been a great start to a great New Year! I am excited! How about you?

You know, I've been thinking about homes and the atmospheres that homes bring, and you know, I've been thinking a lot about family and relationships (trust me, I'm going somewhere with this). I've come to the conclusion that relationships are what make a home. Because you can come into a nice and rich home but if the family relationships / dynamic stink, then you're not gonna feel very welcome and it's not gonna feel very home-like. The atmoshpere will feel cold, stiff, and un-inviting. And vicer versa, if you come into a home that's shabby and doesn't have the richest of riches, but the hosts of the home are kind, warm and inviting, then you'll never want to leave. It's funny how relationships bring or break atmosphere when it comes to homes. Sure, decor is nice and may have a little influnece, but honestly, decor doesn't really matter, it's the atmosphere that comes from the way that people treat each other. A kind host will have a kind atmosphere. :) So, that's one of my hopes and prayers for this year and for the rest of my life, that my house will will be a house of peace and welcome. That when anybody comes over, that they feel peacefulness and warmth. And for my house to be a warm and welcoming place, I have to be warm and welcoming. :) And so I hope to be exactly that. I hope to be a woman that makes a home, not an encampment. :)

Well guys,

I'm going to eat a little snack and maybe drink a bit of tea, and then I will be off to bed. :)

Nighty night guys!

And have a happy and blessed New Year ahead of you!

-Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., What kind of home atmosphere do you hope to bring / have? :)